Smeargle, OK... Because I somehow lost the DW Bulby you had given me... Is my Deoxys enough for it, or should I change my offer? By the way, I hope you can still clone, 'cos I can't and I only have one Deoxys.
I have quite a few events. Do you need a specific event? A recent event i have is a modest sum13 dialga and un picked up sum13 palkia if either of those tickle your fancy.
I do not but i could try and get you the exeggcute, due to the fact that i have not played much on the dream world but since exeggcute can be found from the beginning i could give it a shot. Is there anything else you might be looking for?
Sweet! What are you looking for it? Oh and hopefully my last question about it, i dont care either way im just curious to know so i know what to offer for it, do you have clones of it or is it your only one?
That means its hp, atk, def, sp atk, sp def are 31. Wow thats really good, whats its nature? I apologize if im asking too many questions but im just really curious.