Ughh there's only 69 new Pokemon revealed so far.. well then again it's a worldwide release, but I just hope it's not permanently less than 100.. ;o; That would be so terri-sad, mannn...
Chesnaught is awesome! I really like all three of them. I'm sticking with my original plan to use all three. I'm getting both versions so I can trade them to myself!
I like those nicknames! I will probably get Amaura in X and Tyrunt in Y too, since I'm getting both games too. So what kind of things do you photograph? Do you have examples on the Beach Life picture thread?
Good choices; I also like them! I will rotate my team and use many of the new Pokémon. I like almost all of them! The new Pyroar is amazing too. I was already planning to use Litleo, but now I'm more excited about it!