When I try to enter your FC it doesn't show up, so I think you might have entered mine wrong, assuming the one you gave me is right. Can you make sure this is what you have for me 2879-0514-9467?
D Dog master of war, Tell me about it!!. I have to stay away from Youtube because some stupid people put the spoilers in the thumbnail!. That is how I saw the starter final evolutions. I wanted to be surprised by them. I was searching for the Pokemon youtube channel and the spoilers came up
D Dog master of war, Trying to stop myself from looking at X and Y spoilers!. I literally don't want to see any more game play, I don't want to even see the introduction video I want it all to be a nice fresh experience. The only spoilers I have seen is the final starter evolutions. I can't wait for X and Y! what about you?