Axell Starr, I have been pretty good, for the most part. It's amazing how fast Christmas went by; I can hardly believe it! Time really does fly by, though when it was actually going on it seemed to last forever.
How about yourself?
OMG, your profile picture is the cutest thing! I have been meaning to say that for a while, but I haven't had the time. I love absols and that is just adorable.
Axell Starr, mm, that's true - at least you had X to occupy your time! I got food poisoning on my birthday 5 years ago, so I can sympathize.
Been doing a lot in OC, I take it? Business or pleasure?
Axell Starr, ...that is simply beautiful. I feel like my heart thawed by about half a degree.
I have a question that I'm somewhat curious about (and you don't have to answer it if you wish). Around what area of SoCal do you live? I ask because I live in SoCal myself and it's a big and interesting (?) place.
Yep and what I meant is you can add me to your friends list by clicking the add buddy button just under the latest profile views. That's what I did to add you.