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  • http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-werewolf-xiii-gunfire-at-dusty-gulch-town-wins?pid=2276755#pid2276755

    Interestingly, I was not scum. I was "The Texas Ranger" and had an ability that protected me from any form of death. I wanted to confirm my self as innocent and invincible so I could give my mason group's findings out to the town. It ended up working out and my mason group managed to find (I think) two or three scum before I finally died night 9, 4 days after my invincibility wore off.

    Man I miss playing werewolf. Great memories of some of the plays I did when I played. I play a little risky and controversially, so it's usually a strange game when I play. All I do is win, so who can complain right?

    Speaking of which, why are you asking? ^_^

    Yeah, he's unseathed now. But I'm pretty sure he played it and actually lasted quite a while.
    "If any babies come, I'll be ready for them."

    aaaaaaaaahahahaha so good
    okay I'm going to sleep now; it's past midnight
    I wasn't bombarding Krookodile. After Excadrill died I hurt random mons each turn (Quagsire, Claydol, Krookodile..), but then got all mad for hurting Krookodile once.
    James86134, Well, on one hand, I can see kicking him, since faces were sort of the point with the skits and stuff, but on the other hand, they probably should have not kicked him, since there will be videos without faces. I have mixed feelings about it.
    James86134, I don't really know, to be honest. I didn't hear the full story. Seto is a great Youtuber, so I don't see why they would kick him out. :/
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