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  • James86134, I was gonna change it at 12:00 AM on 1/1/14 to a Greek God (was gonna be Athena, but of course it got taken last second) but if I'm playing WW I guess I have to wait. -_-

    Ah, Dusty Gulch. It was in Dusty Gulch that I attempted and failed to pull off what PMJ did in this most recent game.
    Only if you support Torterra in Hurt & Heal. ;)

    (Which would actually be pretty nice, soon he'll be close to hanging on for dear life)
    The forum is being reorganised. I don't think it will take long to get used to! Everything is still there.
    Names not matthew, actually. It's supposed to be three words. M_____ the W_____. My user title is a joke on the fact that I won't tell people what the two words besides "the" are.
    You're close on the mew thing, but that's supposed to be secret (lol). If I may inquire, where did you here it was a spin off of mew?

    And to whom were you referring to me as giovanni haha? I find that amusing.
    Good, I enjoyed that story. I work retail, and s*** like that happens all the time.
    Also, your pronunciation of my username isn't entirely incorrect...
    And it's really more that I find people who aren't adults to be immature (18 and under) and I see now that you're 17, so don't take that the wrong way. Most people on this site are more mature than their age would suggest anyway.
    Haha, see that you read my bio (or a post where I say that I find most teenagers to be immature, I'm sure I've done it) and yes, I am a teenager, but I honestly feel as though I've operated on the maturity level of an adult since I was 12. And that is in no way a criticism of the users of pokebeach, I pretty much ignore age here. I don't even know how old you are, but you seem mature to me.
    Lol I AM a mod james, and no I know you're not serious so I won't be warning/banning you, haha. Hoping I won't have to rely on my 3rd backup, Golurk...
    They might have been deleted during a recent update. Sorry for any inconvenience! And thanks for adding! ^.^
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