Hi. Can you add me, please? I'm beginning to breed lots of pokemon and I really need dittos for that... FC : 3539 9060 9137. I don't know what type of pokemon I have, sorry...
Please add me, I have Dragon type, but I don't know what is in there yet. My FC:4038-6748-2207. I have 30 Friend Safari's but not a single one with Ditto yet.
Hey, can you add my FC? I'm trying to get perfect IVs on Torchic and I heard that I need Dittos for it.
My code is 0705-2954-3759 and my Mii name is Alex, but not sure if that matters.
I have fire types: Braixen, Larvesta, Growlithe
Hi, I added your FC. Mine is 0490 - 5938 - 2352. (Have Quilladin, Swadloon and Pansage) probably your list is full because of ditto, so if you don't want to add me it's ok.
Thanks for all of your help the last couple of days, with my Reshiphlosion-EX deck and my Durant deck! Oh and I replied to you in my Durant deck thread.