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  • Read the forum description. :p
    Description said:
    PLEASE NOTE: When making a new thread in this forum, it must be approved by a moderator before it will appear. The Forum Games moderators will look over your proposed game before approving it, and may ask you questions or suggest changes before the thread will be approved.
    Yes, that is a perfectly valid use of the Report Post function. :) Anything that requires a moderator's attention can be reported in that manner.
    Hey! You could make a "club" in the Member Clubs Forum for that game. Make sure to keep a discussion going; we don't allow threads just to advertise.
    WW games used to be stickied to keep them separate from all of the spammy/favourite/whatever threads back when WW was still hosted in the old Chillax Zone. Since Forum Games now has it's own forum, the WW games don't need to be stickied any longer. :)

    As far as the other old stickies go (the terminology thread and the WW Master Document), both are now linked in the Rules box in the top part of the forum, so they also no longer need to be stickied and the people who need to access those threads can still do so easily.

    Hope this helps! :D
    WanderingWolf, oh yeah, for that new game Eron is doing in forum games could you not turn into the ice lord's son and then we can work together on that? Trust me, I play civ and risk, this is basically a mishmash of the two
    WanderingWolf, bye :/

    Unbelievable ugh. I actually didn't want KoN to win as soon as that player thoughts on other players challenge happened, but I guess he will anyway.

    If rev doesn't vote you I'll help him final 3, if he does vote you I'm helping RG
    WanderingWolf, KoN reached the word count, so good luck with that lol. But check the thread, he is int he vote either way and idk what gonna happen in a tie. Probs PP coming in and getting rid of you.
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