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  • LLR, I release them who wants lvl one pokemon you can easily get. I think friend safari is a really good way to get shinies because the increased chance and you get the possibility of getting hidden abilities also. But friend safaris don't have all the pokemon so that's why I use the matsuda method also you can get the baby or first form.
    LLR, And a word of advice, If you aren't already interested in the TCG, getting into it might not be a good idea. Eventually it sucks you in and you become obsessed, and suddenly all the money that isn't for bills and food becomes Pokemon card money.
    LLR, Actually, you aren't missing any backstory!
    the Anime and Movies are not cannon to the Video Games. They are actually set in completely different universes! So, all the backstory you need is right there in the games!
    For example, In the anime, there are no types that have no effect on one another. Pikachu thundershocks ground types all the time!
    LLR, Thanks for the links man, I'll check them out.
    I started with the Video Games (Pokemon Blue) and eventually moved on to the Anime, and then the card game, so for me it would be weird to play the games without doing everything else too.
    LLR, Thanks for the welcome!
    I wouldn't say I have any particular interest, I'm a big fan of everything. The only franchise I don't follow is the Manga (although I'd like to if I had more money), so I would say it's equally balanced. I've been playing Pokemon for as long as I can remember (except for that 3-4 year period of time when I stopped and got rid of all my Pokemon merchandise, which I will always regret). I've poured thousands of hours into the games, have thousands of cards, and have watched most of the Anime up until Gen 4 (I stopped following Pokemon when HG/SS came out so I didn't see much of the 5th gen Anime, and I just haven't had the time to watch the 6th gen Anime), so I'd say I'm a pretty big fan :D
    LLR, Thanks, like a box and less then half of a box with shinies.
    My favorite methods are the matsuda method, random encountering, and if I'm in the mood soft reseting.I might try chain fishing doesn't look to hard. I fail at poke radar and its dificult to understand.
    Thank you so much!!! Thanks to you the collection is complete!!
    Thank you again!!~~
    Oh sorry, I think I misunderstood. My name is Kat on the Friend thing, my Pokemon character name is Calem.
    Don't worry, don't apologise!
    My game name is Calem. What is your game name?
    I'll also be hopping on and off. It is currently 10:30am I can try and hop on now. Are you on?
    Sorry! By the time I hooped on Saturday was already finished...
    I believe you are 17hrs behind my time.When are you next free?
    LLR, sorry. i'm new to all this xD. i'm trying to put together a "femme fatale" team. i just need a strong female pokemon that can learn fly. so a female altaria, dragonite, or charizard would be perfect for me.
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