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  • Hi! I certainly am able to play in the PTCGO, but the only way I can play VG would be on Showdown!, since I don't have a 3DS. Oh, and VGC Format, I hate Smogon's tier system. e.e
    My only problem with the new avatar is that I feel like it's not big enough.
    Luispipe8, That's what I was thinking. I told Drohn the whole reason I became a moderator was so that I could ban him. Yeah, turns out I don't have that kind of power. He's too strong!
    Actually, my old avy was really more like a reddish Celebi but whatever. I'm not sure if I'll stick with this or not. You like?
    Luispipe8, You think I would since it would be appropriate since Celebi is actually green. I'm going pink for smod.
    Thanks I will. :p Haha, I didn't know if you could make an account if you're less than 18, but I'll edit that.
    Uh, to be honest I've never actually played competitively like in tournaments, just casually with my cousins. :p I think the last time I collected was the first Black and White pack. (Back when Zoroark was a new Pokemon). :D
    No we wouldn't have; I was busy cooking dinner when you left that message! :p Sad as it is, the modkill was probably for the best.
    Luispipe8, So, will you be doing the wording and I do the image? Or a bit of both from the each of us? I'm looking forward to seeing this month's theme too :)
    Of course I'll do great! I was a (super) mod for quite a few years until I left a few years ago, this is just my grand return (*confetti*). I actually used to be an admin for a month or 2 a few weeks back, so there :b

    Back when I was a super mod the super mod colours were pink, so now that I think about it for a large part of my active time here on the 'Beach my avatar and nick were colour-matched :0
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