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I wasn't watching the stream when it happened, but I'd heard about it. One thing I would be worried about is... what counts as bad sportsmanship? For example, under what circumstances, if any, could someone be disqualified for not shaking hands? What if you don't feel comfortable shaking hands?
Or what about outside the actual battle? Supposing player A tried to get player B disqualified for disrespecting them as a person, but player B was actually the kindest person player A had interacted with all day but didn't agree with player A on, say, the definition of marriage?
(You can be respectful to someone while disagreeing with them, but many people think that if someone disagrees with the key beliefs that shape your life, they aren't respecting you as a person.)
I can ask questions all day, but it will probably take people more immersed in the competitive play/judging environment to answer my questions and yours.
Kookaburra Kong
Kookaburra Kong
He did what was considered a vulgar hand gesture while rolling dice. No need to get too analytical.
I had to search YouTube to find out what you are talking about. And after watching, all I can say is LOL!!!! 🤣
Wait, while rolling rice? I've only ever heard of one vulgar hand gesture (No need to tell me how many there are in the world), but I don't suppose it could have been an accident?