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  • evil_elf, We set it up like 3 years ago. We can't fund the paper we wrote it on. I have no clue how to set up a wireless connection so ya...till we can have someone do it I have to share this comp :/
    evil_elf, I'm hoping to do really well. I'm aiming for top cut whether I lose first round of it or not. I've just been doing really well this year when it comes to making top cut and I don't want my streak to end. Do you have any goals set for Regionals?
    evil_elf, You must be talking to the wrong people then. xP Some people may find you "annoying" while other people may think your presence is enjoyable even if you're "annoying" at times. :]
    evil_elf, Haha because blaming it on me makes a whole lot of sense right? =P Lol well I guess you have to find the people who like annoying. xP
    evil_elf, Oh I see, I guess that makes sense. Well I sure hope you can go because I guarantee it will be awesome lol. I'm not the best at being social either but sometimes you just have to go out there and meet people. I remember when I first went to league I knew nobody and arrived before my friend so I was super nervous. In the end though it was really great because the some of the people I met in the first few months of league have been my friends ever since. :]
    evil_elf, "Depends"?!?!? No, if you have a ride you better go! Haha, but seriously, you should totally go. Regionals is an awesome chance to play in a large event and win some pretty nice stuff. Even if you don't make top cut with Regionals there are so many prizes you may still win something. Plus it's just a great time to see friends and even make some new ones. ^.^
    Alright i believe you, but from what it sounds hes iether just playing you or hes rrrreeeaaallllyyyy shy.
    Alright i believe you, but from what it sounds hes iether just playing you or hes rrrreeeaaallllyyyy shy.
    evil_elf, Ah, that sounds pretty cool. Haha really? Doesn't sound like the prettiest sight. xP I'm sure it was pretty funny though lol. Yup I'm going to Regionals, not entirely sure on what I'm going to play but I'll make up my mind in time. :] How about you?
    evil_elf, Did you just say Tropical Beach...? o.o That is one impressive prize right there... What in the world did she dress up as? o_O I think there's probably multiple reasons. I don't know if I could name one right now though. Maybe I'll ask her...
    well im realy sorry, I think leave this guy, if he "likes you" and he doesnt spend time with you then leave him.
    Then take his cards and throw them all across the room!!! naw jkjkjkjkjk dont do that. Well sounds like hes realy shy.
    Ahhh, i c, well next time you see him ask him "why you no want to hang with me?"
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