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  • I'm currently creating a movie journal. I got the idea from a show on Disney. It's been fun making it. And I just played a game called Vulpin Adventure. It's been really fun. And oh, my avatar is of a Vulpin.
    evil_elf, I have always had it in the same house, I love Christmas. I can't wait for it!
    evil_elf, Great! Although I miss her so much right now.. Wish we could hang out but I'm at work >.<..
    evil_elf, It isn't. I'm ashamed of how I made those kids rage.

    Well it doesn't matter how good advice is, sometimes it makes all the difference having a friend to help you through it. The people on my props all helped me prepare in some way by just being there to talk about the event and the deck and listening. I'm the kind of person that just likes to share stuff knowing people don't care anyways.
    evil_elf, Haha you sure? I don't think you'll know unless you try it. =P

    Yeah I'm definitely playing something different. I don't think Stage 1s is going to cut it with some of the new cards that came out. If I don't find something else it's going to be ZPST for a few cities but I'm hoping to find something decent but more importantly fun from the new set to play.
    evil_elf, i've been doing all rite lately, thx! ^.^ how've yew been? anything exciting happen?
    evil_elf, Not much! Stressed out with school and working two jobs. Trying to leave my one job but it's for family and they need me so things are moving slowly. How about yourself?
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