D D DNA Dec 11, 2011 Also, It looks like I get ninj'd by the OP... I don't think that's happened before. Click to expand... win
Also, It looks like I get ninj'd by the OP... I don't think that's happened before. Click to expand... win
S S Slowbro Dec 11, 2011 didn't they make the failsearch rule because sometimes you don't have a choice? Like if the pokemon your looking for is prized?
didn't they make the failsearch rule because sometimes you don't have a choice? Like if the pokemon your looking for is prized?
D D DNA Nov 28, 2011 Riskbreakers said you wanted to ask me about a rulings question. Can you please send me a PM or post on my wall asking me what you wanted, exactly?
Riskbreakers said you wanted to ask me about a rulings question. Can you please send me a PM or post on my wall asking me what you wanted, exactly?
AmishEskimoNinja Nov 22, 2011 Haha. Yep. I thought there would be quite a few people that would go "oooohh" Thats what that was supposed to say.
Haha. Yep. I thought there would be quite a few people that would go "oooohh" Thats what that was supposed to say.
47bennyg Nov 21, 2011 Your name makes so much sense now. You wouldn't believe how many weird ways I tried to pronounce it.
M M MrGatr Oct 23, 2011 Wait... If it is a beach, why don't we call the... mods; Lifeguards S-mods; Paramedics WPM; Owner ?