JPN Gallade
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  • Ah, makes sense. It's always a better deal to go to your home state for a state championship than elsewhere.

    See you in the summertime then!
    Sorry about that. NV just happened to be the same day as IL, and I have to go to my own state. I wanted to be in IL D:
    Hey there, Karol. I just booked my flight for IL states. Can't wait to see you then... just thought I'd let you know. :)
    First BRs:
    4-1 @ 5th place with Reshiphlosion. This was the Oswego, IL, BR, where JWittz took second place at (discussed in his most recent Profit episode). I was the among the 3 4-1s that didn't make it in (they took a top 4 to be exact). If I wasn't down paired in my last round, I would've made it in. Oh well, at least I was the best Reshiplosion at the tournament.

    Second BRs:
    3-3 @ 15th place (out of 34 masters) with Reshiplosion: It was a pretty meh run, but all of those losses were pretty cheap. I lost round 1 to a Beartic/Vileplume deck with the google engine b/c I misplayed in not going for the Outrage early in the game to KO a Beartic. Later in the tournament, I lost to Matt Alvis (a good friend of Jason K) b/c he was able to get a Pokemon Catcher out of a PONT turn 2 to disrupt me (he was running Stage 1s, but a heavy Weavile line instead of Zoroark). I then lost the last round to Toby Nelson with his ZPST deck b/c he top decked a Plus Power, which he needed to KO my Reshiram the first turn of the game. After that, Toby and I played two games; both of which I won.

    Well, it was overall a solid record. It seems like I'm going to have to get as many Player Points as possible by going to a LOT of tournaments if I want to get into nationals.
    Ummm.... Hi.

    Are you by any chance Liam? The reason why I ask is because I see some achievements, and from what it sounds like, it sounds like it's you.
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