D D DNA Feb 26, 2012 [23:24] * Imakuni ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Who is cuter, Pikachu or me?) I have trained you well.
[23:24] * Imakuni ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Who is cuter, Pikachu or me?) I have trained you well.
D D DNA Feb 17, 2012 Imakuni?, I actually quit about 3 minutes before the time limit was up, but my brain was dry by then anyway. 10 of them I wouldn't have remembered anyway, like Stench or Normalize.
Imakuni?, I actually quit about 3 minutes before the time limit was up, but my brain was dry by then anyway. 10 of them I wouldn't have remembered anyway, like Stench or Normalize.
D D DNA Feb 17, 2012 [13:19] <Imakuni> you lost DNA [13:20] <Imakuni> didn't you I got to 130/164 or so, so yeah.
D D DNA Feb 8, 2012 Favorite Characters said: ¬, ╨, └, Æ, ▐, and Ž. Click to expand... You caught on. Impressive.
Blah Jan 24, 2012 Your signature is awkward in a funny way. Also, I challenge bo3 for off season, but I don't know if I can go on tonight.
Your signature is awkward in a funny way. Also, I challenge bo3 for off season, but I don't know if I can go on tonight.