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  • Jirachi,
    It sucks now, i was looking forward to a slower, more strategic style of gameplay with the end to the sp era, which I thought was a little ridiculous.
    stupid rigged basics always find a way to ruin things.
    Thanks for the offer but all the cards i list in my forums are the ones I currently own. I always put in my future plans for cards I'm looking to add to the decks. I actually have a third feralagatr prime if it might be useful in that deck.
    Jirachi, Reshiram's weakness is Water, so you want something that can cover that. Your biggest threat in that area will be Kyurem and its EX - those are weak to Steel, so Cobalion would be appropriate. You can cover his Fire weakness with a Water-type like Kyurem/Kyurem EX, whose Steel weakness is in turn covered by Reshiram EX.
    Congratulations. You just looped back to the start again.

    Mewtwo EX is just great in general for heavy hitting, as is Shaymin EX late game. Regigigas EX is okay, but he's situational - then again, in a Damage Swap deck, he probably feels right at home.
    Jirachi, either Cofagrigus OR Reuniclus is appropriate here. You don't need to use both for this deck.
    Even more quirky is that the Cofagrigus actually needs the Reuniclus. For your deck, I wouldn't recommend it. Your deck is tricky as it is to set up already - you don't need to make it trickier.
    Tennis is supposed to start tomorrow but Im not sure if coach will be there
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