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  • thanks I see, but I don't have the necessary energy to use zekrom and I dont want to use my 2 prisms for it.
    Posting a New Thread:
    Find a topic on the forums you would like to make a thread in (ex. TCG news and general discussion) and after reading the rules of thread posting in that section, just press the "Make new thread in (TCG news and general discussion)." Then, you write the title of the thread and whatever you want the thread to say in the large box. You will have other options, but those are easy to figure out (ex. polls). Then, once you're done, just press the "post thread" button and there you go, you have a new thread.
    just go to the bottom of the page. u will find a big box that you can type in, then just click the post thing. For the threads, go to the forum you want to post it on, and click post new thread. :)
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