Professor Palutena

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  • Bippa, Most apps have been sent in, so yeah, I'm a bit more relaxed now.
    Bippa, Hey dude, it has been a long time, hasn't it? While you're here, I just wanted to tell you that I should be more active in VG matters/forums, so no worries. It'll be difficult after such a long break, but I'll be back in the swing of things in no time. :]
    since it's easier for me to post here on my phone

    might want to add that all abilities you're asking to get banned can be banned without the mons being banned. ttar and hippo have released dw abilities.
    but I want to sleep

    nah it's cool i have hydration rest

    haha weather pun
    Hail is kind of lolsy. It doesn't give +2 speed like sun. It can really only be used for stall, Blizzard spam, and snow cloak abuse. None of that is too hard to beat.
    Bippa, also, things are broken if the fall under this:

    Sweep: Something that can sweep the pretty much 95% of the metagame, would be overcentralizing, and force you to run silly Pokemon on your teams.

    Wall: Something that can wall all of the metagame, would be overcentralizing, and was pretty much good game before the match even started.

    Support: Something is supportful to the degree where certain Pokémon would become overcentralized.

    Weather is broken because:

    A) it lets Pokemon like Manaphy, Garchomp, Excadrill, and soon Keldeo sweep entire teams while under the effects of weather. Without weather this won't happen.

    B) Under Drizzle, you have things like Ferrothorn and Scizor living Fire Blasts. Not a good point, but the walling rule isn't what makes weather broken.

    C) Weather is supportive to the point where it lets Pokemon sweep entire teams. This ties in with point A.
    Bippa, without Drizzle and Sandstream you basically have only Drought and Snow Warning. Drought gives Pokemon instant +2 Speed, and since Snowman can't switchin on 99.9% of Drought Pokemon, sun will be up all match. Any team will have trouble with Drought in a no Drizzle and Sandstream metagame.
    Bippa, ban all weather, unban Garchomp and Excadrill. Have Manaphy tested. It's not their fault they're broken, it's the weather's. If we keep banning things on the reason that a certain thing makes them broken, then I honestly don't see why we ban that thing in the first place. Just ban the thing that makes it broken if it keeps happening. I honestly have found a new dislike of weather since theorymoning Keldeo.
    Bippa, I will. Me and Pride pretty much talked the topic dry today, but there's so much more to talk about.
    244 HP / 208 Atk / 56 SDef

    I was doing all the calcs provided it got to +2, but this one Pride made can take it on at +1. Just switch it in and don't let it get to +2 before lol.
    Sorry man, but this thing is starting to scare me now.

    There is hope; weather ban. ; )

    Also, I've found that the only thing that's making this thing close to broken is the fact that it 2hkos resists under rain at +1. A Kingdra with no EVs in its defense gets 2hko, and that's a x4 resist...
    Parashuffler Dnite counters. You have to make sure SR is gone before coming in, though, so it's not the best counter. Any other DNite will die even with Multiscale on.

    It's sad things like Blissey get 2hko by Hydro Pump. V_V
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