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  • Yoshidude10, trolololol. Cool fake. An emulator is something that emulates or replicates another thing. In this case i'm talking about a DS emulator. You can run pokemon Black/White on your computer, and RNG on it, it just takes some work. IR-GTS-BW is a GTW hack that lets you connect to your computer and upload your pokemon into computer files. When you upload it into computer files you can then download it into the game as many times as you want, and you can also check the ivs, evs, shininess, id, sid, and everything there is to know about that pokemon. http://code.google.com/p/ir-gts/ here is where you can find it.
    Yoshidude10, cool. The easiest way to get the SID imo is using IR-GTS-BW/ It looks complicated but it really isn't. If you're not using a copy of the game how are you doing this? WIth an emulator? Oh and it's possible to transfer pokemon from an emulator into your game.
    You said you wanted a guide on non-cgear abuse? For shinies? Here is the post that leads to the guide: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83057) and here is the guide itself: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12206225/RNG/g5%20rngguide%20v01.pdf

    Just for reference, RNGing for Shinies with good IVs is pretty hard. I would recommend normal abuse without shinies first, and then going on to that. Alternatively if you don't mind restarting your game you can RNG your ID and SID, that way you can get your Shiny Pokemon on Frame 1. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just read the guide it'll help you a bunch =P
    How come that almost everyone that asks to be on my buddy list doesn't have me on theirs?
    Not that I mind, it's just quite ironic.
    Yoshidude10, I somehow manage to have no life and not respond to your PMs even though it's something to take up time. =P I'll do my best to try and respond to your PM shortly. =)
    Tag! You're it!

    Add your name to the list and pass it on:
    Oh, thanks man. I appreciate the comments. :)
    And yes, Team Ninja forever!
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