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  • I feel like, even if the rich paid more taxes, the poor class would still be poor because tax money goes to the government. How can the government have the best interest of different people with different needs?? Instead of saying "Tax the rich", why not use the same tax advantages as the rich?

    (sorry this post is not about Pokémon; I will try to think of something related next time)
    I think card breaks are stupid. Why would I hire someone else to open my packs for me when I can open them myself? Not to mention having to wait few weeks for the spots to fill up before the break can even happen. Waste of time if you ask me.
    What do y'all think?
    Not only that, the person that opens your pack could either switch your card with his/her lesser mint condition and also you don't know where their hands have been.
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    So true! There was a Pokémon card break seller on WhatNot who scammed a customer by illegally switching the Umbreon Vmax pull with a lesser value card. Like wtf!
    If I have to guess, people agree to have their packs open live for bragging rights which is asinine. “Oh, I am xxxxxx and my pack pulled a very rare card live, hate me ladies”. Yeah, if you honestly believe that these individual wouldn’t scam you to some degree then you deserved to be scammed for being a fool.
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    What is the obsession with Van Gogh Pikachu?? It's not playable in competitive decks and it depicts a dead person. If it's just for the value, there are many other cards that are worth more like Umbreon Vmax alt art or Gold Star Charizard.
    No worry, my reason for the obsession stems from being a one of a kind. People spent thousands on Ancient Mew before it got released internationally.
    OK, that makes me feel better. I'm surprised Ancient Mew is still relatively cheap. Guess the demand is low.
    lol I thought that Ancient Mew was like the Holy Grail when I was younger. I got one for like $5 from a Comic-Con and it immediatley was put in a fancy little case.
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    Imagine the final exam in Literature class be trying to catch all the bars in an Eminem song!
    Your grade's Unown until you study Ruins of Alph a bit (alphabet).
    Awesome comprehensive video exploring Ken Sugimori's career, which of course includes Pokémon!!
    He also drew art for 99% of the cards in both Gym sets (Heroes and Challenge). Should've just named them Sugimori's Gym 1 & 2, haha!
    Police playing Pokémon GO is more important than doing actual police work!! Lmao!! Gotta catch em all, right?
    Why do I feel like that would be me someday? Is that a bad thing?
    Lol they got fired tho
    Yup, definitely me.
    • Haha
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    I am conflicted.... Some people say the rich should pay their fair share of taxes. But others say it's not fair that government can steal your money via taxes, so use the same legal tax loopholes as the rich to protect yourself.
    Who is right?
    Sorry this post isn't about Pokémon, I will try to think of something related next time.
    Congrats PokeBeach for lasting longer than MySpace and Pojo!!!! Respect for WPM for keeping his word of never abandoning this site. Your only other competition is Serebii. Here's to 20 more years!!! Cheers ^_^
    Technically Serebii covers other facets of the Pokemon franchise, such as the video games, more ardently than the TCG, whereas covering the TCG has been Water Pokemon Master's passion on this site. The two sites feel more complimentary than competitive. But I feel like the two of us have had that same conversation already.
    True. And I meant competition as in longevity - I know Serebii has been around for a long time too.
    If "octo" is the prefix for 8, why is October the 10th month??
    Because of its position in the early Roman calendar, I guess.
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    Who or what is I got several shiny Pokémon from them via Wonder Trade, including this one:
    Celebrating all the moms out there:
    This is why we should always appreciate those treat you with utmost care. We live in a crazy society where we worship celebrities and make fun of those that show affection to their parents. Am I weak for hugging my mom? No! Am I pathetic if I wear a jersey that has a pro athletes name? YOU BET! THEY were not there for me, but my mom was and will always be, as I will when I have my own children.
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    URGENT!!! Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops are closing in less than 3 days!!! Not sure if PokeBeach posted news about this, but I'm sure Pokémon Bank is still playable (for free) after the close, so I think you can still transfer Pokémon to the Switch after this month?? That's my only concern.
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    Also, I'm still only on stage 4 in Pokémon Picross, and I'm not sure I'll be able to get past stage 5 without relying mainly on the daily training exercises to advance. So I'm not sure if I'll ever finish the game. But I've gotten several hours of fun entertainment and relaxation from playing it thus far, so it's certainly given me more value than a demo game.
    Try powering up your energy so you can do more puzzles at a time. The puzzles get larger and more difficult as you progress. Daily training is good tho. Make sure you don't develop a bad habit of starting something but never finishing it - in school, work, business, life, etc.
    Just watched the first 2 episodes of Ohsama Sentai King-ohger and omg it's so rad awesome!!! It's like Attack on Titans and Game of Thrones and Power Rangers mixed together. Perhaps my new favorite sentai series thus far! Woooo
    Happy Canandian Boxing Day, so who will be the two boxers that will fight the main event?
    Lol I don't really pay attention to boxing matches, unless it's about shopping!! I think Americans celebrate Boxing Day too. Happy holidays to you as well ^_^
    Yup, that's the day where we return unwanted gift in exchange for money or another preferred gift.
    Some people say "Money can't buy happiness" Is this true?? I believe money buys freedom. It's what you do with that freedom that makes you happy or not.
    You know, that quote is hard to decipher. What does an individual means when he/she say money can't buy happiness. If it's love, then I completely agree. Also, long-term happiness.
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    I feel like Pokémon games are getting easier. Back then, you had to push boulders to stop water currents, climb Sky Pillar on a Mach Bike, or read Braille to unlock events. But in SwSh, they give away legendary Pokémon like free candy in the Max Lair. In SV, legendary Pokémon are HM slaves! What happened to actually using your brain muscles?
    When I teach chess to individuals, I teach them three principles: A. See both side of the board and don't be one direction B. Think and plan ahead and C. Make the most of your pieces. When it comes to driving at the express way, I pay attention to all four directions. When I want to make a turn but a stubborn car is on the next lane, I choose to either accelerate, slow down, or stay in my current lane.
    Have you heard of LSAT? Give it a try with free sample questions online, it gives you a scenario and you must choose the most logical answer.
    I was referring to Pokémon games only, so I don't know if other games are getting easier. I used to play chess irl, it sure was mind exhausting!! I just tried some sample LSAT questions, really makes you read and think carefully, holy cow! Don't know if I can pass the real test XD
    Supportive Pokémon community donates 1,000s of cards to a kid who recently lost his collection in a hurricane.
    %FaithInPokemonRestored %Idontseeyouscalpers
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