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  1. R


    Thanks! That was extremely helpful :D I considered keldeo since there is a lot of HTL around, rush in could come in handy.
  2. R


    Pokemon 12 3 Deoxys EX 3 Thundurus EX 3 Kyurem 2 Lugia EX 1 Keldeo EX Trainers/Supporters 36 4 Juniper 4 N 2 Skyla 2 Cheren 4 Plasma Ball 4 Colress Machine 4 Catcher 3 Hypno Laser 3 Float Stone 2 Switch 1 Scramble Switch 2 Virbank City Gym 1 Frozen City Energy 12...
  3. R

    Pokemon Catcher

    Thanks for the replies. Very appreciated. I'm going to try to get my hands on some pokemon catchers, but for now i'll use escape ropes :)
  4. R

    Pokemon Catcher

    I'm building a new deck and i don't really have too much. Trying to get my hands on some pokemon catchers but they're pricey. Is there anything i can use to fill its spot while i get them?
  5. R

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, Played hardcore for a year not too long ago. Stopped playing and all of my cards got cycled out. Trying to get back into it again :)