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    Elite Four and Battle Frontier Brains...

    The frontier brains, as said in the anime, are as strong as E4, but I want more E4 members to appear.
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    your opinion

    Didn´you read the title of the subforum? This is called DECK GARAGE Anyways, I think the best is Mewtrick, since it won last World Championship.
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    brocks bonsly evolves!!!!!!!

    There is the preview on It also shows Ash´s Mukkuru evolving.
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    May's & Hikari's pokemon.

    If we see May again I wanna see her with an Umbreon. Reason: Eevee is like Skitty, they both can evolve through the moon methods (evolving at night, and the moon stone). As for Hikari, I wanna see her at the end of Sinnoh with. Emperuto Mimiroppu Riishan Cyndaquil
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    Ash in contests??

    But two things: He participated in a contest with May in ``Ash VS May! The Last Battle.´´.And he did it very well. In ``Hikari´s Contest Debut!´´ Ash also gets a ribbon case, meaning he could fill that with more ribbons. So, (unfourtanely) ash can participate in Super Contests.