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  1. W

    Discuss: Rough, Tough, Jigglypuff

    Seriously! Jigglypuff and flamethrower just do not go together! The musical notes were weird...and if I were him, I would've just caught the Pokemon. He had been looking for it for so long.
  2. W

    Jotho remakes =P

    Those are all very good! I really like them!
  3. W

    Pokemon Ugliest Pokemon

    I think...Magikarp is ugly! After that is...Gyarados...ewwww
  4. W

    Discuss: Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon

    I haven't seen the entire show yet but it's alright so far. I was so shocked at the beginning when I first heard the new actors. I mean, I've been hearing A LOT about how different these guys were but I didn't know how different they meant!
  5. W

    Pokemon who's your favorite gym leader?

    My favorite gym leader is Winona all the way! (As you may be able to see from my name! ^^)