Search results

  1. Boathos

    Wi-Fi Trades Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees, Heracross, Shinies and more!

    RE: Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees and more! I have a shiny venomoth! can you trade it for one of magician fennekin with 3 IV???
  2. Boathos

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    Forum Name: Boathos FC: 1822-0300-9919 Type: Ghost Pokemon: Lampent, pumpkaboo and unknown if you add me, PM me. i'll add you back!
  3. Boathos

    FC: 1822-0300-9919

    FC: 1822-0300-9919