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    Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!! There's a lot more, but I'm too lazy.
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    Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!!

    No. You're not. I have seen those tiles everywhere. Also the game is really slow, and Arceus as a starter?
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    Toatali's Fakemon

    I can't open them. Save as .PNG
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    Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!!

    Looks good, but those tiles are really overused and boring, might want to change them. Also, Starly looks a little too high up.
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    RE: The Ultimate Spriting Contest I am flygon....also altariaking, kibago, ~mewtwo~ and a list full of other names...
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    RE: The Ultimate Spriting Contest IT WASN'T A JOKE POST EITHER!! IT's MY ENTRY THINGY!
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    RE: The Ultimate Spriting Contest WTF!? THAT WAS NOt SPAM!
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    RE: The Ultimate Spriting Contest Name: Flygon Time spent spriting: since January Posts (Must be over 10): idk Time joined: ^ Entry:
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    The Great Spriters Contest! CLOSED

    who won then?
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    The Great Spriters Contest! CLOSED

    RE: The Great Spriters Contest! /facepalm when you save the fie, it asks what you want to name it. underneath that, there should be a dropdown box. select PNG.
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    The Great Spriters Contest! CLOSED

    RE: The Great Spriters Contest! when you save the sprite save it as a .png file or else it will be blurry.
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Looking for Spriter* -To Sprite The Remaining Pokemon- these. and they're jpg.
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Looking for Spriter* -To Sprite The Remaining Pokemon- yes. fake pokemons look better scratched, and when it's not easy to see the pokemon used. it's obvious that one is quilava another is sandslash and one of them is zangoose.
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Looking for Spriter* -To Sprite The Remaining Pokemon- The fusions on the first post. Fusions don't look good in games. I've already said this more than once and have been ignored.
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Looking for Spriter* -To Sprite The Remaining Pokemon- ok, I don't know how many times I've said this, nor how many I've been ignored, but fusions don't look good in games.
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    The Spriting Clan

    fusion of electrode, electivire, rhydon and gengar
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    The Great Spriters Contest! CLOSED

    RE: The Great Spriters Contest! dodrio haunter and tangela should be kept away from each other in order to maintain the good of this world.
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video* hmmmmmm.....I suppose I could help with mapping, I've never mapped with RMXP nor do I know how too but I can send you the maps for you to copy?
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    Pokemon DarkGrey (Seeking Spriters!)

    ok, I had everything ready, but because of the day and night, the screenshots were too dark, so here are better ones; I know about the errors and they're being fixed. credits to darkdragon, pokemon diamond, dante and landey .
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    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video* ummmm the map should I say it....bad. it lacks a border, it is VERY empty, and it's square. three things you should never have with a map. and a lot of the fakemon are obvious splices, and games with splices aren't that good.