Search results

  1. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Here's my offer: Your: Sneasel UD Weavile UD Sableye DEX Groudon EX DEX Shaymin EX NDE Mine: Kyogre EX (DEX) Entei EX (DEX) Floatzel GL LV.X (RR) Eelektirk RH (NV) Tynamo RH (DEX) ?
  2. Dark Ho-oH

    Ruling Eviolite & Zekrom

    I hope this haven't been asked before but I just wanted to be sure about this: Eviolite says "any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is reduced by 20" So, if an Eviolite is attached to my active Zekrom and I use Bolt Strike, will Zekrom do 20 or 40 damage to itself? Because what I...
  3. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Well, I got the Zekrom FA already and Kuyrem EX FA might be going already... something else?
  4. Dark Ho-oH

    Looking for small stuff

    I have: Deino NV RH Zweilous NV RH Ultra Ball RH Shaymin EX And I'm interested in: Tornadus EX Mewtwo EX FA I also found more interesting stuff from your list, but I would like to know if there's something more on my list that interests you than just those I listed? And how damaged...
  5. Dark Ho-oH

    Got so much stuff, so little time! Come see :)

    Your: Raikou EX 2x Zekrom FA Cleffa RH Mine: N FA Groudon EX ?
  6. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Oh so trade would be easy for us two :) Do you maybe have an account at Finnish Pokemon forum? We could finish the trade there too if you want, or here. For me it's okay too if we do it here. I found: Zoroark DEX rev. Dark Patch...
  7. Dark Ho-oH

    How much do you spend on cards when a new set comes out?

    Well, when a new set comes out, I usually buy boosters worth of around $50. I would like to buy one box of each set but I simply don't want to waste all my money. But I always pull something nice out from those booster packs I buy. For example, from Next Destinies I have pulled out 3x Shaymin EX...
  8. Dark Ho-oH

    Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

    What about me? :3 I could suggest this kind of trade, if you are ready for it.. Your: Mewtwo EX ($46,99) Darkrai EX FA ($63.99) Hydreigon Shiny ($16.99) = Around $130 Mine: Dragonite FB League Promo ($0.39) Dragonite ex DF ($15.99) Dragonite ex DRG ($14.99) Dragonite TM ($0.25) Dragonite LA...
  9. Dark Ho-oH

    Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

    Yeah well I can list them with set numbers, I deleted RH's from the list: Dragonite FB League Promo Dragonite ex DF Dragonite ex DRG Dragonite TM Dragonite LA SW: 36, 59, 75, 92, 96, 99, 108, 114, 120, 131 GE: 9, 23, 33, 36, 59, 106 MD: 92, 97 LA: 7, 21, 26, 27, 67, 121 SF: 22,30, 37, 49, 50...
  10. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Well, there are some scratches on it and also the bottom left corner has been fold :/ I can send you a photo of it if you want (I can do it at tomorrow, right now I'm staying at house of my dad and I didn't take my cards with me)
  11. Dark Ho-oH

    Totoro, Checked and replied, I think we'll have a trade :)

    Totoro, Checked and replied, I think we'll have a trade :)
  12. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Totoro: Actually this trade sounds nice, I think it's a deal :D Let's continue on PM :) SoulWind: Ooh, this Sneasel interests me, also the FA Shaymin EX... I checked and N FA and Shaymin EX FA have kinda same value. Is there maybe something...
  13. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Well, I have one RH Juniper, I could give that and 3x N FA for Mewtwo and maybe something more?
  14. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Roronoa Zoro: I'm sorry, but Darkrai is gone already :/ Anything else for Mewtwo maybe? justintam0731: Noticed your list is US only, if you trade with me, it's overseas trade then.. but how about Kyogre EX -> Groudon EX? dialgarock: Sorry, I...
  15. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Is it too much if 2 Zekrom EX Promo > 1x N FA? I was checking prices, N is around 13 $ and Zekrom Promos are around 6 $
  16. Dark Ho-oH

    Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

    Hello! :D I see that you are from Norway, I'm from Finland so I thought a trade would be easy for us two :) I'm interested in: Mewtwo EX Zekrom EX Raikou EX FA Darkrai EX FA Hydreigon Shiny Blastoise EX And I have: Dragonite FB League Promo Dragonite ex DF Dragonite ex DRG...
  17. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! I was just wondering what do you want most from those, because there's kinda lot of cards that you want.. So it's much easier to make offers then :) But Shaymin EX -> Zekrom EX Promo maybe could be one?
  18. Dark Ho-oH


    RE: NEW TRADE THREAD UPDATED HAVE EXS AND MORE WANT STUFF I have Darkrai EX, would you like to trade Mewtwo EX FA for it?
  19. Dark Ho-oH

    Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Lots of Boundaries Crossed!

    RE: Dark Ho-oH's Trading Thread! H: Dark Explorers! Zekrom EX Promo and Zekrom EX FA would be nice.. what would you like to have from them?