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  1. L

    Gallade Lv X

    I know but it is still unfair{R}{R}{R}
  2. L

    Gallade Lv X

    Hey sonic gal can you get me a lucario avatar?? I herd you are very good at that (at least from Mew guy). NN: Try not to go off-topic and spam. Read the Forum Rules. If you want to contact Sonic Gal, you can PM her, or look for her shop thread in Celadon Mart.
  3. L

    Gallade Lv X

    You know what whats so stupid is that they printed a Gardivor Lv X and not a Gallade Lv X. Why on earth would they do that???? That might be the stupidest thing I have ever seen.:(:(:(:(:(
  4. L

    LA booster box cards

    I gotta admit Azelf lv X is pretty commen I have more of them then I have Cubone
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    LA booster box cards

    Hey guys what is the most commen lv X that you can get in a LA booster box????
  6. L

    AMU help

    Thats OK
  7. L

    AMU help

    my do you say Mightyena that card is not too good.[hr] Why do you say Mightyena that card is not too good.[hr] Why do you say Mightyena
  8. L

    AMU help

    I was thinking 1-1 mewtwo or a 1-1 cressilia.:D
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    AMU help

    Hey guys what do you think of what other supporting card do think I can use for AMU besides Palkia???