Search results

  1. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Thats fine kid. And no thank you Lone.
  2. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    All i really liked was that Swampert.
  3. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    i can trade around 8 pm tonight, central.
  4. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Info on some of these?
  5. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Bad idea, trading and battling atm, hit me up in 10
  6. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Pokemon: Medicham Nature: Adamant Ability: Pure Power EVs: 252atk/252Spe IVs: 30 or 31/31/2/30/5/29 or 30 Moves: Hi Jump Kick/Brick Break/Focus Punch/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Psycho Cut Redistributable: Yes I like this, Moveset will be Psycho Cut, IP, TP, and Brick Break Please?
  7. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

  8. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

  9. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Idk, im not looking for anything in specifics
  10. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    What do you have Shaymin? And i didnt see anything i wanted Randy...sorry
  11. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Oh..well thats all im really looking for.
  12. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

  13. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

  14. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Im on to trade!~
  15. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Trading tonight, 8:30 central.
  16. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    im on now, if you are
  17. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    I like both Altarias, amd weezing
  18. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Info on Arcanine? And Your welcome, thank you too
  19. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Sweet sure thing, what are we trading? And what is your fc? mine is 2578-8222-3013
  20. T

    Wi-Fi Trades Tb33zy's Trade Palace!

    Forum, Togetic, Kanuju- do you have any Ev'd Pokemon? Havok- What do you have? Pokeking- PM me