Search results

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    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    4/10 - The banner is not very good, and the text to the right and under it doesn't work.
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    a noob question...

    I'm gonna repeat what Sweet Dawn Berlitz said, but a little different.
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    Fav songs

    RE: favorite songs Through The Never - Metallica
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    PSDs Collections Thread

    Under my name, delete that, and add this please. That was just 1 PSD, this is 10. PS: WinRAR needed.
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    Soul's LP Gallery. Upd. 14th January 2010 Please, I need your comments!

    RE: Soul's Art Gallery Upd. June 16th Hulk Tag added. I really like the Prototype one a lot. The text fits, IMO, he is positioned very nicely, and everything seems like it fits in perfectly. Very nicely done.
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    JK's Graphics

    - NEW
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    My First Art Gallery!

    How/Why are you guys so positive he stole these? Any proof?
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    SoTW #6 -GrayScale-

    Greyscale takes out most of the depth in any tag, unless you make it B&W from the beginning, that is why this theme is tough.
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    DF's Dragons

    Kingdom Hearts, not Kingdom of Hearts. And are we still on this the Disney Theme?
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    Oh, I wanted to put some kinda of text, but I couldn't think of anything, so I thought of Heart.
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    Whatcha mean?
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    Soul's LP Gallery. Upd. 14th January 2010 Please, I need your comments!

    RE: Paint your Fortune I was about to say that. Where are the splatter brushes?
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    Tag Wall

    Here is the render Soul.
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    I, don't know who it is. It was under the Male-Female section of this.
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    Tag Wall

    The thing is, that the spiderman one was SOOOOOOOO long ago, that I have no idea what I did.
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    Tag Wall

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    V1. V2. V3. + Avatar + Original Stock OMG THE STOCK!
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    SoTW #6 -GrayScale-

    My Entry:
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    DF's Dragons

    When did I join?