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  1. Dirge

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: the chain game Magnemite
  2. Dirge


    Good Trader +1 REF Thanks for the Magnezone. Really needed it.
  3. Dirge

    Ruling Fluffy Berry

    OK thanks. I thougt because older cards does not mention LvX and they might consider them as ex pokemons too.
  4. Dirge

    Ruling Fluffy Berry

    Fluffy Berry does not work on pokemon ex but does it work on pokemon lvX? just wondering.
  5. Dirge


    Good trader. Cards in good condition. +1 REF
  6. Dirge

    Ruling SW Gastrodon

    Just popped up in my mind and I dun like a question to be unsolved =). But they DO make good combos
  7. Dirge

    Ruling SW Gastrodon

    Is Gastrodon East Sea and Gastrodon West Sea the same Pokemon?
  8. Dirge

    Finished The lie game!

    I believe I can fly