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  1. Ryu Hayabusa


    RE: mcsskater: H: 2 LUX X, FLYGON X, DONPHAN-P... WANT UXIE X and JAPAN DECK BOXES I have 3 call energy.
  2. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    I would like the Flygon X. Now, the trades we were discussing earlier for the Ursaring and Shiny Bagon, would you like to include this in the trade if it works out, or separate trades for more refs?
  3. Ryu Hayabusa


    RE: mcsskater: H: 2 LUX X, FLYGON X, DONPHAN-P... WANT UXIE X and JAPAN DECK BOXES CML for Flygon X. I also have call energy.
  4. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    @Zephilim: How about a full KGL for your poketurn and and energy gains? @Jace: Alright, how about the Garchomp C, and the Garchomp X, the two Cyrus Conspiracies, and the two sprays for the Flygon? @Radical: Didn't see much man.
  5. Ryu Hayabusa

    ~~ Shakespeare

    RE: Shakespeare +1 for having good ethics.
  6. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Yes, I can do that trade. PM me. @Haunter: I do want the Dialga G X.
  7. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    @Haunter: Is there anything I have that you could trade for the Machamp X? @vrapecboy: Magnezone X. @80baby: Yes. PM me. @Jace: The Scizor prime is being traded off. I still would like to trade for the Flygon X though. @Radical: I already have a Mewtwo X promo.
  8. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    @Bain: I didn't really see anything I wanted. Thanks though man. @Quedus: Yeah, that sounds great. PM me sir. @90baby: Oh, I forgot I have a scizor to trade, which means I only have one scizor prime. @Haunter: Well, for starters, I like the Machamp X, and the Tangrowth X. @Jace: As I told...
  9. Ryu Hayabusa

    ~~ Javier8100

    RE: Javier8100 Good guy +1
  10. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    @Quedus: I like the Infernape X, Empoleon X, and Sableye Stormfront. @Wolfpack: I like 2 Kingdra Prime, 3 Donphan Prime, Machamp X, and do you have any Flygon X and/or Expert Belt?
  11. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Well if it has scratches, it losed it's value considerably.[hr] Machamp X?
  12. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    A scizor and maybe something else for azelf?
  13. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    A RH Azelf would be nice.[hr] @ Steelix: Torterra X.[hr] @Hikikomori-san: I didn't really see much.
  14. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    Ugh, you don't get it. Spiritomb is worth around $10. Call energy is about $8. RH Vileplumes are about 4 each. See a problem?
  15. Ryu Hayabusa

    Ryu Hayabusa's Trade List! (New Undaunted Stuff! Please Check My List!)

    I have one that I could trade you.[hr] 2 BTS is about $12-14, whereas Uxie is about $6. Another offer?
  16. Ryu Hayabusa

    ~~ 80baby

    RE: 80baby Good trade, and protected. +1
  17. Ryu Hayabusa

    DSD's Trade Thread UPDATE!! Have EX's

    RE: Bigpokex I am interested in your Lucario X, Magnezone X, Uxie X, and Rayquaza C X, CML please.