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    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game salamance
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    Xbox live league

    Post deleted. Please do not post threads for the purpose of advertising. You may advertise in your sig, but not through posts or threads. ~DRK176
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    Xbox live league

    im creating an xbox live league any body intrested gamertag= Superman ERA
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    Xbox live!!!

    im creating a league over xbox live any body intrested. i need battles Gamertag- Superman ERA
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    Apprentice / Redshark ? (Official Online Contact Topic)

    what is apprentice? i know what redshark is but what is apprentice?
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    Cant wait till your next league meet?

    lol thanks alot
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    Cant wait till your next league meet?

    i think your right i think more people will respond if it was in the online battle thread. xbox live is over online. can i post it there or can you move it.
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    Cant wait till your next league meet?

    you cant get on xbox live? or what do you meen[hr]ya i found that forum after posting
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    Cant wait till your next league meet?

    i need a match now i cant wait till the weekends im looking for a battle over xbox live vision if your intrested list your gamertag and ill try to set something up. ps. sorry about the last link Kevin ill try to use this site.[hr]oh wait i think i found a better place for this
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    Cant wait till your next league meet?

    i have put together a website to help form together battles over xbox live vision. visit KG: Link removed and visit the forums to find matches and more.