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  1. bittyboy72

    Donphan (Prime) from HeartGold & SoulSilver (#107), 4/27/2010

    1.) Donphan stands on it's own because it is just about the only card in the Heart Gold Soul Silver that can hit a decent amount with decent energy requirements and little catches. Also the fact that it has 120 hp and it's "Exoskeleton" Poke-Body. It is a good card with in reason it does have...
  2. bittyboy72

    Rep System

    Hello Pokebeach I know I'm not well known here but I would just like to post a suggestion to improve the forums. I was wondering if anyone thinks that a rep system would improve the forums. I have seen rep systems on many other forums, not just Pokemon forums, and it seems to work great...
  3. bittyboy72

    Jumpluff from HeartGold & SoulSilver (#6), 4/2/2010

    RE: Jumpluff from Heartgold and Soulsilver (#6), 4/2/2010 Jumpluff is an amazing card in our format! Although for this card to be played competitvely in our meta there are some techs and specification you *HAVE* to play it with. 1.) Jumpluff defiantly stands on it's own because it is a stage...
  4. bittyboy72

    Flygon from Rising Rivals (#5), 3/29/2010

    True but Flylock is really weak in our meta. Besides Flylock is based around Flygon X's Poke-Body not Flygon. This thread is talking about Flygon not Flygon X.
  5. bittyboy72

    Flygon from Rising Rivals (#5), 3/29/2010

    True although the ability to hit a Lv.X with 150 damage (if you play the X) that makes it super effective against Luxchomp considering it is based around Lv.X's. On top of that it has a -20 resistance to Lightning so Luxray can only hit 50 at max. Though since we are just talking about Flygon...
  6. bittyboy72

    Flygon from Rising Rivals (#5), 3/29/2010

    Flygon is a good card but not as good as he used to be. When this card came out it was way over hyped but it turned out being fairly good used in conjunction with Flygon X, Trapinch SW, fighting energy, and a Memory Berry. The reason I say it used to be good is because it was played best in...
  7. bittyboy72

    Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals (#109), 3/25/2010

    Dude I play it and I wasn't bashing it I was trying to tell him that it is a good card and probably more than 50% of the STP's were won with the card.
  8. bittyboy72

    Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals (#109), 3/25/2010

    @Arceusmaster; If it's so bad why is it played in almost every deck in the meta? The card is amazing, recoil damage isn't always a negative thing beside for what it does it is good. This card was played in Speedrill, witch if I recall won worlds. Also how do you figure Bright Look is useless...
  9. bittyboy72

    Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals (#109), 3/25/2010

    Luxray GL X definatly stands on it's own because of it's, "Bright Look" Poke-power witch lets you switch you opponents active with a bench Pokemon of your choice! Also because or it's, "Flash Impact" attack witch is also good, between his Poke-power and his attack he has complete versatility...
  10. bittyboy72

    Pokemon Survay (#1)

    Hey everyone I have created a monthly poll for you all to take so that you can voice your opinion about what you think! -Link Removed- Click Here! to take the survay! Want to see how people voted so far -Link Removed- Feel free to post comments I would love to know what you think and any...