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  1. colb3ck

    My Swapshop Updated with SV

    RE: My Swapshop W: SSU's/Sleeves H: Lots!! DAM it :( if only id have known about this website a week ago. I kinda accidently gave away thos baltoy's youre after :@ nooooo now i have old baltoys lol. ermmmm do you need any other cards ? as im intrested in those cards i mentioned lol
  2. colb3ck

    My Swapshop Updated with SV

    RE: My Swapshop W: SSU's/Sleeves H: Lots!! do you need a picture of the one I need ? xD That would be VERY helpful lol :L cheers
  3. colb3ck

    My Swapshop Updated with SV

    RE: My Swapshop W: SSU's/Sleeves H: Lots!! only 1 blastose left now. the rest are okay. do you have any of my wants ? two GE baltoys would make my day for starters. i will have a look now for those baltoys :) i know i have baltoys just if its the one you need or not :( lol
  4. colb3ck

    My Swapshop Updated with SV

    RE: My Swapshop W: SSU's/Sleeves H: Lots!! 2 Blastiose (holo) 1 Muk raichu wailren Hey if you still have these cards please can you tell me what you will accept for them :) ?? And do you have a butterfree or pikachu lol ?
  5. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    ok you do post to UK dont you ? Just thought id ask before i send you my address. Also if you have msn or anything add me [email protected] Should i send my address now or sunday ( if your posting on monday ) DW i wont forget lol
  6. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    is ancient mew the shiny one ? and are they in good condition ? If yes then deal :)
  7. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    ohhh i the sleeves i have dont have an image on :/ but i have ordered some. Mine are just see through sleeves ( just keeps them in good condition ) I might buy a binder instead of sleeves. so what cards will you swap for my 2 cards ?
  8. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    Hmm i have sleeves but unfortunately i opened them. :( they arent ripped or anything though. If not do you still want the other 2 cards ?
  9. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    i have a medicham ( rare ) HP = 90 Att = 80 like i said all my Good rares are from 2006 :( But medicham is diamond + pearl
  10. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    Yea thats great :) although there is one problem :( the infernape i misread and its actually a fire type sorry. do you still want it or not ? its got 100hp and best attack = 90 damage. You dont have to have it. Also all the cards are in protective seals and are in mint condition :)
  11. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    i would accept gragonite EX ancient mew alakazam 4 Or if 1 of them you wont swap Snorlax :) i love him lol
  12. colb3ck

    WHY are my cards different ?? anyone help ?? :)

    Yea i agree thamks for your help :) :D
  13. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    Milotic Snorlax Dragonite EX Mew 8 Blackstar Mewtwo 14 Blackstar Mewtwo 3 Blackstar Ancient Mew Alakazam 4 Well those are the carrds that i would trade my cards for ( NOT all of them above lol :L ) hmm are any of the cards holo ? And do you have anymore cards up for trade
  14. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    What do you want for Hippopotas, Hippodown and Infernape? Well are all those cards listed above up for trade ? Like the promos ? ect ( is there any cards up there you wouldnt swap for my cards ) Basically what i wanted to say lol.
  15. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    thanks in that case :) i have Hippopotas ( un common ) Hippowdon ( rare ) machop ( common ) meditit ( common ) medicham ( rare ) infernape shiny ( rare ) sorry there isnt alot of cards there all my best fighting types are in 2006 :( like swampert and regirock....
  16. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    ahh yes i have some decent fighting type cards, although they range from 2006 upwards. Which year was Diamond and Pearl ? and i will tell you what i have :P ?
  17. colb3ck

    I Have Stuff And You Have Stuff. Lets Do This...

    hey i have a holo fighting energy But it was made in 2006 so i dont know if its the one your after ? its a rare.
  18. colb3ck

    WHY are my cards different ?? anyone help ?? :)

    thanks i wondered why mine were different guess im kinda lucky lol ( in a way )
  19. colb3ck

    WHY are my cards different ?? anyone help ?? :)

    no i never had them out of the sleeves :S But i mean the shiny like pokeball underneath the cards ?[hr] ahhh so its just an alternative version of the card ? And does this mean its rarer to find ect ? thanks anyway
  20. colb3ck

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Not really a pull but .... when woolworths was open i bought the last pack of cards and they were some loose ones in the box so the lady behind the counter gave me the few cards.... And she had gave me an Articuno Ex :P i have pulled Ex's but this...