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  1. SpartanV209

    Standard XY-On: BattleToads (Seismitoad EX / Greninja)

    Pokemon: 12 4 Seismitoad EX 4 Greninja EX 2 Shaymin EX 2 Greninja Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36 4 VS Seeker 4 Trainer's Mail 4 Arco Bike 3 Ultra Ball 3 Battle Compressor 3 Silence Lab 3 Muscle Band 2 Professor Sycamore 2 Energy Retrieval 2 Archie's Ace in the Hole 2 Switch 1 Lysandre 1...
  2. SpartanV209

    Standard Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

    i came across this deck idea as soon as i saw the eveelutions. However i did it with Medicham. When i play tested this i ran into problems when i didnt start with medicham. You need a strong basic that is gonna cover you. I am gonna suggest my decklist and let you run with it. POKEMON - 18 4...
  3. SpartanV209

    Discussion New Rogue Decks using Ancient Origin Cards!

    A few deck ideas that i have came up with for standard once rotation hits. Some may be obvious some may not be. Lucario EX + Machamp/Maxxie Hidden Ball Trick - I use this religiously and it is very good. Seismitoad/Greninja EX + Greninja/Ace In The Hole - A combination of Jacob the Champ...
  4. SpartanV209

    For Sparta

    For Sparta
  5. SpartanV209

    Discussion XY-On M Sceptile EX / Dusknoir....Wait...What?! (Shadow Saber)

    Here is the decklist i have created and have begun testing with. I would like feedback and criticism based off my deck list as well as your own results. Thank You and good luck! POKEMON 14 2-2 M Sceptile 2-2 Dusknoir 2 Shaymin EX 1 Hoopa EX 3 Seismitoad EX TRAINERS 32 4 Ultra...
  6. SpartanV209

    Discussion XY-On M Sceptile EX / Dusknoir....Wait...What?! (Shadow Saber)

    I agree completely. Consistency is key. The more i think about it Hoopa EX is so important. Instantly gets Sceptile and you can fish with Shaymin. Something like 3-3 Dusknoir / 3-3 M Sceptile with Shaymin/Seismitoad/Hoopa EX. Too much with Vileplume. i think running 2 Giant Forest and 2 Silence...
  7. SpartanV209

    Discussion XY-On M Sceptile EX / Dusknoir....Wait...What?! (Shadow Saber)

    So i came across what i think is a very viable strategy after rotation.... With.... So the deck is based around the idea of Jagged Saber in combination with Shadow Void to remove all damage efficiently in addition to other cards that will supplement this strategy. I do not have the cards...
  8. SpartanV209

    Bicycle and Juniper in my hand, Which to choose?

    I ask this all the time. If you had 2 cards left in your hand, Juniper and Bicycle, What would you do? Would you use your Juniper first, re-up on 7 new cards and use your supporter for the turn? Or would you use Bicycle first, and draw 3? Bicycle into a hopeful Skyla, grab whatever i needed.
  9. SpartanV209

    V3 Victini/Darkrai/Entei EX

    Okay this is a good question. Two part answer here. The reason why i use Darkrai is because free retreat is really really good. Laser and Catchers are everywhere, which is the reason why i agree completely with your advice on your addition of Keldeo; However, i had taken Keldeo out of previous...
  10. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    Ya you were right i was thinking of good rod my bad. I dont like Victini at all in this format. Every important pokemon has over 100 hp, he has low hp, and he NEEDS a full bench for him to even do anything, that spreads you out and makes you victim to catcher. Victini might be stronger against...
  11. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    i like your current decklist quite abit, i think you could cut 2 energy and the 2 super rods and add something more consistent in your t/s/s line. I am just not a fan of anything that requires flipping of coins. looks good though
  12. SpartanV209

    Kyurem/Gatr/Blast-is it possible?

    i tried SEL yesterday, hate it. I like the synergy blastoise brings but so far it is still too slow. I updated it and added junk arms and sages training, cut 2 energy and a catcher/switch and both IQ's. IQ was nice sometimes but other times it wasnt even necessary, and it was inconsistent...
  13. SpartanV209

    Kyurem/Gatr/Blast-is it possible?

    Here is a list for KGB that i made in like 5 minutes. the trainers along with the pokemon/energy count needs help. I like the pokemon in this deck, i think they can work very well together and have potential to be really strong. I have not tested this yet but before i go out i would really like...
  14. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    so by playing this deck "correctly" you have 4 rainbow/DCE and 6 grass energy with all those different types of pokemon? Im on the North pole, and you are on the South pole right now haha.... even if i had 12-14 pokemon and 18-16 energies in the deck, 30 trainers is really not enough? i think...
  15. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    i agree, reuniclus isnt very good in this deck. it dilutes your strategy and slows it down and yes, it is a fast deck. The benefit to having 1 of each pokemon and revives is being able to consistently have the counter type throughout the game, the bad side to that is you wont have the backup on...
  16. SpartanV209

    HELP! lol kyurem/ferlaigatr deck

    i have been testing a water deck with gatr and kyurem but i have been using blastoise. i run 3-1-3 blast 3-1-3 gatr and 4 kyurem. with lock out there i suggest running 2 of each of the stage 1's. gotta say being catchered is never an issue if ur pokemon cant die that turn. being able to dump and...
  17. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    RE: 6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio with Electrode Prime) Reuniclus is a tech to move dmg counters around to make your outrage's stronger. Also having 1 of copies isnt a problem except for virizion which you want out turn one and drawing you cards because you have revive, which will help deal...
  18. SpartanV209

    TREPZ (Thund/Rai/Eel/Elec/Pachu/Zek)

    ok cool, i like where this is going, here is what i have came up with based on your review so far. -by lowering the energy it makes electrode pretty much useless, i see this. -also by removing the energy you had made pachu just as unreasonable, would rather just change that to a clefa -if i add...
  19. SpartanV209

    6 Corners (Tao/Muskateer trio)

    i like the idea of this deck. Having all the options to deal with anything is nice; however, zoroark would destroy this deck. Vileplume/Chandelure might be a problem considering you need the right type of pokemon and energy to deal with your situation, that requires heavy on trainers, not to...
  20. SpartanV209

    TREPZ (Thund/Rai/Eel/Elec/Pachu/Zek)

    18 Pokemon 2 zekrom 2 thundurus 2 pachurisu 2-2 electrode 2-2 raichu 2-2 elektrik 27 Trainers 4 collector 4 communication 4 plus power 4 juniper 3 junk arm 3 pont 2 catcher 2 switch 16 Energy 16 Lightning Strategy is to get thundurus, raichu, or zekrom out and start...