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  1. jerryv20

    Expanded Making Lucario great again.

    I know he is not the best anymore but with the recent release of his spirit link I wanted give him one last go. I really want to make a deck around my favorite pokemon. this is what I got so far: Pokemon: 13 3 lucario ex 3 M lucario ex 3 carbink 2 carbink break 1 shaymin 1 Rockruff 1 Lycanrock...
  2. jerryv20

    Standard Revival of the Rising Fist (M Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)

    I can see why you would put terrakion in the deck it's attack is decent when a pokemon is KO'ed. But where I live, plasma is not used very often so sawk won't be realy needed and I had stunfisk in my original version and it wasn't that good, but it can get rid of safegaurd. Though enhanced...
  3. jerryv20

    Standard Revival of the Rising Fist (M Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)

    That does indeed sound interessting. Maxie is actualy a little extra if you want to get a free mega on the stage when discarded or when he is defeated. Do you by any chance have a sugestion what I can remove to add the cards you suggested?
  4. jerryv20

    Standard Revival of the Rising Fist (M Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)

    thanks for the fast reply totodile. I have actualy never thought about using shrine. It is an idea I will definatly try in this deck. But first I will need to check the total of cards :) Oops I noticed now,there is one M lucario to many it should be 2. Or should I try 3?
  5. jerryv20

    Standard Revival of the Rising Fist (M Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha)

    Hey guys, in the past I have been playing with lucario and it's mega evolution a lot because it's my favourite pokemon but now I am noticing that not much players use this card anymore so I have been trying to upgrade Mega lucario with some of the newer released cards. And this is what I have so...
  6. jerryv20

    Charizard EX / Blaziken

    Hi CHAcolate! Thanks for the advice I will surely check out your ideas and see what I can make. I'm not a too great deck builder so that's why I need advice at some times. I appreciate it and I hope this deck will work better with the changes
  7. jerryv20

    Charizard EX / Blaziken

    hey guys. I'm trying to make a new somewhat competitive fire deck because steel is going to be a big thing in the future so. here is what i have so far: Pokemon: 13 2 Charizard EX (Flash Fire 11/106) 2 M charizard EX (fire type, Flash Fire 13/106) 1 Reshiram (Legendary Treasures...
  8. jerryv20

    Introduce Yourself!

    hi guys, i'm jerryv20 and i'm a huge fan of the pokemon TCG. i'm 18 years old and i'm a multimedia graduate student. I hope you guys will accept me in this huge community and i hope we can have lots of fun.
  9. jerryv20

    ALL 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

    I actually find it funny that they at least made several secret rares but the fact that they are just the same mega's as in the set makes it less fun.