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    its an item
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    Wants LUCKY EGG Just make me an offer yup thats it {F} {C} {G} {R} {P} {W} {L} {M} {D}
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    Reprint of Scott?

    Does anyone know if the card scott is going to be legal in sept. or not? If it will not be legal in sept. when will it be reprinted? Thread title changed. Your thread title should match the first post of the thread so that people understand what the thread is about when they click on it. ~DRK176
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    DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

    RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma Well I also have a mew lv. 27 and a Deoxys lv. 30 would you like one of them? By the way I would like the Tyranitar or the shiny Dusknoir the most.
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    DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

    RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma Well I have a lv. 55 Gallade with Evs for attack. Would that be good?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon Im on right now.
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    DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

    RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma Im sorry but I dont know what IVs are? Could you explain?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Blazityler's trade and battle thread

    Do you have any other shinys not listed???
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon so when would you like to trade ill be on at 9:00 today for about an hour.
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    DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

    RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma I would like to trade for 2 guys from Sec. 1) EV Trained Pokemon-your Tyranitar Lv. 100 and your Blissey Lv. 100. Also I would like to trade for your Dusknoir-Shiny. I have one shiny pokémon (Floatezel lv. 28) to trade and others not...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon My friend code is 4811 4661 0157, would you like to trade now?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon I dont know what IVs are, but the nature for the shiny Floatzel's nature is rash and the shiny Golem is Quiet.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon My shiny Floatzel is lv. 28 untouched and the shiny golem is lv. 67 effort values for attack. I'll trade either one the the shiny Rayquaza.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poop Sauce Updated and Has a Service Thing Now UP!

    RE: Poop Sauce with more Shiny, Ev'd, and Event Pokemon I'm interested in the shiny Rayquaza. I have a shiny Floatzel, a shiny Golem and if you don't like either of thoes, just ask for somthing else.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Blazityler's trade and battle thread

    Oh well I apoligize for the misunderstanding then. If you can wait a few minutes, I have to finish somthing up in the game, and I can get my friend code and we can trade.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Blazityler's trade and battle thread

    No I don't have the shiny Arcanine, but if there is anything else you wanted, or if you wanted to do the original trade, just offer.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Blazityler's trade and battle thread

    I do have an Arcanine, but it's not shiny, if that's what you wanted.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Billys new player thread

    I would like to trade for shiny Porygon-z and shiny Dialga. Is there anything specifically that you want for these or will I be forced to make an offer?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Blazityler's trade and battle thread

    I'm interested in the shiny Charizard and shiny Metagross. I have a shiny Palkia, shiny Golem, and a shiny Flotzel. I'll trade any two of these for them both, or if you don't like any of these, ask for somthing and I'll see if I have it.