Search results

  1. I

    H: DGX, Gengar X, Champ X, Multiple SP Engines, + MUCH More! Want: Easy Wants!!!

    RE: HAVE LUXRAY GL Lv.X. New deal of the week and updates! My Luxray GL Lv.X for your... yeah sure we can discuss it. my AIM is EEozzyEE
  2. I

    H: DGX, Gengar X, Champ X, Multiple SP Engines, + MUCH More! Want: Easy Wants!!!

    RE: HAVE LUXRAY GL Lv.X. New deal of the week and updates! My Luxray GL Lv.X for your... i have a flygon lv x for trade. i want luxray gl lv x. what else are you looking for besides flygon lv x?
  3. I

    H: DGX, Gengar X, Champ X, Multiple SP Engines, + MUCH More! Want: Easy Wants!!!

    RE: HAVE LUXRAY GL Lv.X. New deal of the week and updates! My Luxray GL Lv.X for your... hey i have these rare red palkia sleeves. also i have 4 energy gain and some cherrim SF. anything else you could be interested in? im interested in your Luxray GL Lv.X
  4. I

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more hmm well networth wise it seems like you're making out on the deal. but if you're trying to grind that luxray for more than its worth its okay
  5. I

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more Have: blaziken fb lv x floatzel gl lv x dialga g 2x mesprit lucario gl uxie la lots of kakuna RR xx warp point xx flints xx pokedex xx night maintenance great ball WANT: Luxray gl Lv.X can we make a deal?