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  1. NicoSpot

    Virizion / Genesect / Deoxys

    Cards I would like to add: 1 Enhanced Hammer (especially for Lugia, but I've been playing a lot of decks recently where an Enhanced Hammer would make a big difference.) 1 Max Potion (works very well with Energy Switch. I had to drop it a while ago, but I'd like to be able to fit one back in.)...
  2. NicoSpot

    Virizion EX / Genesect EX

    Anyone have techs against Darkrai? Ghetsis helps shuffle away whatever Sableye gets back, but it's not nearly as useful in most other matchups as, say, Colress. Crushing hammers are still a big problem, but I don't think there's anything I can do about that. Overall I think the only way I've...
  3. NicoSpot

    Virizion / Genesect / Deoxys

    Pokemon: 10 3 Virizion EX 3 Genesect EX 2 Deoxys EX 1 Lugia EX 1 Mr. Mime Trainers: 37 4 Professor Juniper 4 N 4 Skyla 2 Shadow Triad 1 Colress 2 Virbank City Gym 3 Hypnotoxic Laser 3 Colress Machine 3 Ultra Ball 3 Energy Switch 2 Tool Scrapper 2 Switch 1 Energy Search 1 Super Rod 1 Team...
  4. NicoSpot

    KDK - Plasma without Thundurus

    King Arceus, I knew I forgot something. ;) Yes, Dowsing Machine is my preferred Ace Spec. Also, based on other advice I've gotten, I took out the Prism energies for 2 Psychic and 1 Energy Switch. I figured that 10 basic energy combined with Energy Switch and Super Rod, should provide enough...
  5. NicoSpot

    KDK - Plasma without Thundurus

    So I was using a "normal" Plasma list, with Thundurus, Absol, and lots of special energy as well as several other techs. However, I was not doing so well (overall), especially against Darkrai variants which are prominent in my area. I tried some things, but nothing really solved my problems. So...
  6. NicoSpot

    RayEels (Rayquaza/Eelektrik)

    Your deck overall looks pretty solid, with the exception of another Skyarrow Bridge and a few other things. Here are my recommendations. -1 Skyla (2 should be enough) -1 Super Rod (if you need to use 2, you've already lost) -3 Energy Retrieval (not really necessary, and space could be better...
  7. NicoSpot

    PokéBeach Community Decklist #8: Darkrai/Hydreigon

    -1 {D} +1 Max Potion With the 4 Blend, having 1 more Dark won't make much of a difference. 12 energy is enough in almost any deck. Max Potion, however, is one of the core cards of this deck. I know some people only like to run 3, but the 4th one can really save a game. Plus, I would rather...
  8. NicoSpot

    Battle Road winning Ho-oh list.

    I like how (including mine) there have been 5 posts on this and no advice. I don't know how to play this deck, so sorry about that Zangoose.
  9. NicoSpot


    4-3 at Battle Roads in my first day in Masters. I beat a Ninja Bugs/Sigilyph, Fluffychomp, Terrakion, and something else. Lost to a Darkrai/Garbordor, Empoleon/Terrakion (on one misplay), and Hydreigon. 41/108, not too bad.
  10. NicoSpot

    Mew Ex Attrition (Final List)

    That seems like a perfect setup for you: a Stage 2, Stage 1, and active Mew with 2 energy all on turn two?? I mean how often are you going to get that without getting donked? This isn't HS-on anymore.
  11. NicoSpot


    It's up to you really. My Raikou deck currently runs three Catchers because I figure I can snipe for 1-2 prizes, plus 2-3 prizes from KOs, and Catchers for the rest. Zekrom is great but you do have Thundurus so it's not necessary. I think that with only 11 Supporter/RR you will want that 3rd...
  12. NicoSpot


    With the 7 extra spots I would add +3 Catcher (if possible) +2 Max Potion +1 Zekrom EX/Tornadus EX (Zekrom for OHKO on Dragons/Tornadus for Fighting) +1 Ultra Ball and if you can't get the Catcher, +1 Cheren/Bianca +1 Level Ball and one spot of your choice. Actually, your Trainer line looks...
  13. NicoSpot


    bump... for the last time. Please, I need some more advice before Battle Roads.
  14. NicoSpot


    Changed up my list a bit after reading other advice/decklists. +1 Mew EX +1 Cheren +1 Max Potion +1 Communication -2 Exp. Share -1 Bianca -1 Level Ball I might -1 Blend, +1 Fighting because of Hammers, Garchomp. Any more advice? I was thinking about playing this at Battle Roads (vs my...
  15. NicoSpot


    Thanks for the advice RichD. Changes have been made. -1 Prinplup -1 Juniper -1 Ultra Ball -2 PlusPower -2 Blend +1 Super Rod +1 Supporter (tbd) +1 Communication +2 Tool Scrapper +2 Fighting energy
  16. NicoSpot


    I think this deck has a lot of potential, and it is a very cheap deck to make (why I made it). Anyway, I just finished the list earlier today, Monday, so I have only had limited testing. Pokemon (15) 4-1-4 Empoleon 3 Emolga 2 Terrakion 1 Mew EX T/S/S (35) 4 N 4 Cheren 2 Juniper 4 Catcher 4...
  17. NicoSpot


    After League I made these updates. Any more advice? -2 Thundurus -2 Random Receiver +1 Zekrom +1 Eviolite +1 Switch +1 Max Potion
  18. NicoSpot

    Eelektrik coolness

    -1 Eelektrik (you only need 3) -1 Ultra Ball (for Level ball) -1 Switch (level ball) -1 Super Rod (only one needed with so many pokes) +2 Level Ball (for fast Eels set up) +2 Max Potion (great with Raikou and others) Hope I helped!
  19. NicoSpot


    More adjustments after looking at other lists: -1 Eviolite +1 Zekrom EX and possibly -1 Juniper (3 left) +1 Bianca (2 total) Any more advice? Thanks.
  20. NicoSpot


    Thanks dmaster and LunarWolf. For the moment, I have added +1 Catcher +2 Switch +2 Tool Scrapper -1 Skyarrow Bridge Although I guess now I might have to address the issue of countering Terrakion EX, Darkrai maybe, etc. *sigh*