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  1. NicoSpot

    ~~ Hydro Cannon

    RE: Hydro Cannon Rating: +1 Buyer/Seller/Trade: Buyer Communication: Great Description of Cards: Mint Shipping: Very fast Overall: Very satisfied. Thank you!
  2. NicoSpot


    I have now retired my Magnezone deck :( in favor of ZekEels, since it is much better in this format. Anyway, here's my take on the deck. Pokemon (14): 2 Zekrom EX 2 Zekrom 1 Mewtwo EX 2 Thundurus 4-3 Eelektrik (30HP Tynamo) T/S/S (32): 3 Professor Juniper 4 PONT 2 Sage's Training 4 Collector...
  3. NicoSpot

    Zekeels, once Magneel

    RE: Magneel What state are you in? 17 seems like a really small number. Anyway, ZekEels is probably a better play as the meta is shifting to nearly all big basics. Especially in the next sets with Raikou EX, etc. ZekEels will be much faster and could hit harder.
  4. NicoSpot

    Zekeels, once Magneel

    RE: Magneel It's not necessary, but a Zekrom EX could help you out a lot in some matches (and yet do nothing in many others). I top-cutted running this (before losing to Donphan/Mewtwo/Tornadus): 3-3 Eels (30 HP Tynamo for free retreat) 3-1-3 Magnezone 1 Zekrom 1 Zekrom EX 1 Mewtwo EX 1...
  5. NicoSpot


    RE: Eelzone with Raikou EX I am with you guys that ZekEels is better, but I like my Magnezones... Anyway, I'll probably just change it when Dark Explorers comes out since Magnezone will be having less and less of an impact as all these big basics are printed. Based on your advice (and thank...
  6. NicoSpot


    I might be a little bit ahead of myself, but I can't help looking forward to Dark Explorers (May 9th) and get excited about the possibilities Raikou EX brings lightning decks. While it can't be splashed into every deck, I believe it will have as big of an impact on the format as Mewtwo. What do...
  7. NicoSpot

    Hydro's thread!!! Come check out what I got! Added picture of wartortle!

    RE: Hydro's Selling thread: Now with ND, and more! AUTO DEAL!! Come check it out! How much are you asking for the FA Cobalion? T&T has it at $12.
  8. NicoSpot


    It looks like a solid start, but here are several changes I would make to become more consistent. Pokemon: 1. Three Thundurus? With all of the EX cards in the meta, I might not even run 1. But if you like them there, then -1 Thundurus, +1 Zekrom. Way more useful, and able to hit for much...
  9. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    After some advice on Pokegym (and the EX tins at Target being released too early), I switched -1 Magneton +1 Zekrom EX
  10. NicoSpot

    MMVP (Mew/Mewtwo/Vileplume)

    pedrozaum, Even if it won't (and I'm not saying that), it's still rude to say it isn't good enough to win a championship. Sorry I don't have any advice. I am not familiar with this deck (or similar ones) so my comments probably wouldn't be too helpful. Anyway, I hope this works out for you!
  11. NicoSpot

    Ruling Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem EX Tins

    I know that some (or all?) Target stores have put out the Zek/Resh/Kyurem EX tins too early, so are the EX cards from those tins legal for States? They have a Promo symbol in the bottom right corner instead of the Set/Card #. Thanks!
  12. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    Cake101, Hmm... that might just work. I have been wondering what to drop for a DCE or two for a while now. I felt like I couldn't drop a {L} because I always ran short with Magnezone anyway, but this could help me put more emphasis on Zekrom and Zekrom EX (which could really help). dirupti...
  13. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    Thanks Namurashi for all the improvements! It has already helped me some in testing. My new list is above... any more advice? I'm kind of freaking out about States.
  14. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    And if this helps, here's my record against other big decks with my current list: Zekrom/Eels: 2-3 Durant: 0-1 CMT: 4-6 (my sister made CMT, but proxied all her Mewtwos :)) I haven't been able to test as much as I'd like...
  15. NicoSpot

    Jirachi, Thanks!

    Jirachi, Thanks!
  16. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    Jirachi, thanks for the advice, but (and this may just be me) I tend not to use Juniper that much. I usually have 5+ card hands, and if I'm getting a hand refresh, I'd rather go with N even if it's a card or two less. I'll try adding another Zekrom/Zek EX, but what do you think I should drop...
  17. NicoSpot

    Eelzone for States

    Hi everyone. This is my first post, so sorry if I mess up a bit. Anyway, here is my current Magnezone/Eelektrik list, so tell me what you think. Pokemon (17): 3-1-3 Magnezone Prime 3-3 Eelektrik (30 HP Tynamo) 1 Mewtwo EX 1 Zekrom EX 1 Zekrom 1 Thundurus T/S/S (29): 4 N 1 Juniper 4 Sage's...