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  1. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    I will try to focus on raikou ex, but for now I don't have them yet maybe next week I will get some. For now that I don't have raikou ex yet, what would be a great attackers to use?
  2. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    ok, then how will my trainer line will be?
  3. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    I think I dont need rayquaza that much, since I have thundurus to KO them all except garchomp thanks for that. but my plan is to have different attackers, and I want to know if that will work in a list like mine. if i use only zekrom/zekrom ex without raikou ex is it still a good deck?
  4. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    do I really need to remove all tool scrappers? I have thundurus as starter. I will try to max pokemon catcher thanks :) . I hope also someone do that.
  5. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    bump bump want to hear your opinions :)
  6. H

    BW-on: Eelektrik variants

    Pokemon:15 2 zekrom 4-3 eelektrik 2 mewtwo ex 2 thundurus 2 raikou ex T/S/S: 33 4 prof. juniper 4 N 2 cheren 3 max potion 2 tool scrapper 3 ultra ball 2 level ball 3 eviolite 3 pokemon catcher 2 switch 2 random receiver 2 skyarrow bridge 1 super rod energy:12 8 lightning 4...
  7. H


    maybe -1 level ball +1 Eviolite 3 level ball I guess is too much
  8. H

    BW-on: ZekEels

    thanks for the great help sir
  9. H

    BW-on: ZekEels

    Pokemon:17 3 zekrom 4-3 eelektrik 2 mewtwo ex 3 thundurus 2 raikou ex T/S/S: 31 4 prof. juniper 4 N 2 cheren 2 bianca 2 tool scrapper 3 ultra ball 2 level ball 2 eviolite 4 pokemon catcher 1 switch 2 random receiver 1 super rod 2 skyarrow bridge energy:12 9 lightning...