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  1. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    100% perfect condition i will trade but could you thow in one of your togikiss i really like them if not somthing else
  2. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    the only lv x i need is machamp sorry
  3. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    no thanks i need the azelf way more than the alakazam ps check your pm[hr] i also want your togikiss
  4. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry no i dont realy value hitmon chan that much[hr] ok then never mind
  5. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    how much do you value your alakazam lv x? do you think azelf and alakazam lvx for leafeon is a good trade?
  6. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    this may be a little to much but i checked and compared the prices my regigigas lv x for your 2x RR nidoqueen,rypirior lv x promo and hitmonchan reprint?
  7. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    no thank you that is not even close to what i want for regigigas lv x sorry
  8. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    i like typlosion and mesprit
  9. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    i also want azelf la and maybe suufing picachu a rotom or a lv x[hr] i like empoleon RH, mamoswine GL and plusle RH
  10. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    this message is for evryone i need azelf la and nidoqueen rr x2
  11. ss.voltorb

    Please Close

    RE: Have 2x Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie, Claydol... one of the best threads here cml for azelf la if you have rare candy i also want them ps. politoed rock
  12. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    no thanks[hr] checked you list nothing i want sorry[hr] i only want duskinoir dp and i wont trade that for leafeon
  13. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    i dont know acording to my price website 3 candys and an azelf is worth 35$ and leafeon is worth 45$ i would do it if you could make up the price gap p.s # are rounded
  14. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    no thank you ace11[hr] no thanks[hr] change it to 4 rare candys and 1 azelf la if you can and i will do it if you cant i will think about it[hr] i have an old moltres zapdos and articuno if your interested
  15. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    no thanks[hr] i edited my list i just traded it[hr] no i dont have anything you want
  16. ss.voltorb


    RE: SotH good trader all cards in perfect condition 1+ref
  17. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    do you have anything else on my want list? if not i will trade it to someone else[hr] i also want nidoqueen RR and all the rare candy and moonlight stadium you can find
  18. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    do you have any of the following uxie, uxie lv x, azelf, azelf lv x ?
  19. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    reply please[hr] i will do it.[hr]
  20. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    please reply[hr] are the politoed new?