Search results

  1. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    since i value Mew* as a $40 card, this isn't very fair for me.
  2. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    im sorry im a newbe im not very good at this
  3. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry you got here to late i already ofered them to some one else
  4. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    mew but if you would throw in somthing what would it be?
  5. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    are you still there?[hr] 3
  6. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry you dont have enough stuff i want[hr] cant find your list[hr] where is your list?
  7. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    i found some one who might trade rare candys for it so no thanks unless you also will trade a uxie or azelf
  8. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry i already offered leafeon to Look
  9. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    what do you want from me?[hr] anything you want from me thats non * or lv x?[hr] you still there?
  10. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    can you list evrything you have on my wants list?
  11. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    what are your lv x pokemon
  12. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    how many Roseanne's reaserch?
  13. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    I like x4 rare candy, x1 Azelf LA, x1 nidoqueen 2x unown g for Leafeon lv.x.
  14. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    i dont see a nidoqueen on your thead?[hr] i want your moonlight stadium and rare candy
  15. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    im sorry i had to go[hr] i realy want your duskinoir DP what will you trade it for?[hr] sorry
  16. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry millions people already want those[hr] sorry i have to go
  17. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    sorry bunches of people alredy want leafeon and heatran i will trade gigas
  18. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    the only lv x i need is uxie and some ones already offered that do you have any uxie or azelf?
  19. ss.voltorb

    leafeon lv x heatran lv xand all around good cards

    ok i just want a uxie first i will consider your deal[hr] what do you mean by you skipped me?