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  1. R

    Tuesday, 11/13, New DP14 Chatot Promo, New Pikachu POP 6 Holo

    I work at Wal-Mart, and we recieved something similar last night, except it had Buizel (DP13, alternate art reprint of DP version) and a holo POP6 Gible. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get pics.
  2. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Updated with a new FC, new haves/wants, and more items.
  3. R

    Wi-Fi Trades kirkeastment's player thread{i've got shinies and i clone}

    Would you be willing to trade your Shiny Groudon for my Jirachi lv. 19? (yes, it is legit, BTW)
  4. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Okay for the Mew offer. Okay.
  5. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Updated with Jirachi and a few more item haves/wants.
  6. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Updated with two more Mews I got from the TRU event and even more items! I have an extra one in my Sapphire game. Does it matter what level/nature it is? I have one, but it's in my Sapphire game right now.
  7. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Mews from the TRU event were all lv. 10. You probably have it confused with the Faraway Island event in Emerald, where Mew was lv. 30.
  8. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Updated with item haves/wants. Johnty: Okay for Shiny Nidoking.
  9. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Raikou Trainer's My Player thread

    Welcome to Raikou Trainer's player thread! MY INFORMATION: My Friend Code: 3479-9251-1878 (updated! If you have my old code, please update it!) Contact Time: Whenever I'm online here. MY HAVES/WANTS POKEMON FOR TRADE==================== Note: Mew is from the TRU event...
  10. R

    Pokemon Your Favourite Pokémon

    Raikou. (kinda obvious, isn't it?)
  11. R

    Other TCGs

    Yu-Gi-Oh is the only other TCG I play, but I don't play it much anymore.