RE: [H]Call of Legends!! All HS and more! [W]Mew Prime, couple Legends and more!
I'm getting DCL in another deal, do you have any of my other wants?
No need for more, that deal works for me. PM me and we'll finish this up!
Sorry to hear that, but I understand. Thanks for looking...
RE: [H]Call of Legends!! All HS and more! [W]Mew Prime, couple Legends and more!
That's pretty close. If you could throw in one more card, maybe one of my CoL needs, then we could make a deal.
RE: [H]Call of Legends!! All HS and more! [W]Mew Prime, couple Legends and more!
Ok, I would do the 2 Arceus you want for it. LMK.
Ok, I will wait to hear from you. Thanks
RE: [H] Blaziken FB X and Sableye SF[W] Japanese Lv.X's
Looking to get Entei*, I have a couple EXs from your wants, but nothing else. CML to see if there's something else I can add to make a deal.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Clearing out Lost Link. W>Crystals|Stars|Shining
Ok, well pikachu* is not too bad. I don't think I would do Gengar X for it though. I would do the Articuno and Alph 3, plus something else (lmk what you want) if you want. LMK.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Clearing out Lost Link. W>Crystals|Stars|Shining
You never got back to me about Pikachu* (we were working something on my thread).
RE: [H]Undaunted!! HSUL, HGSS...more! [W]Lugia EX, Pikachu* and more, help me out!!
Is there anything I can add to get Entei*?
Sure, pm me and we'll set it up.
RE: [H]Undaunted!! HSUL, HGSS...more! [W]Lugia EX, Pikachu* and more, help me out!!
I'm interested in Pikachu* light is the wear?
If the Entei* is the one from Unseen Forces, and it is mint, I would do both Absol and Shiftry for it.
RE: [H]Undaunted!! HSUL, HGSS...more! [W]Lugia EX, Pikachu* and more, help me out!!
Well, I have a big list of wants, if you have any of those, let me know, if not...well, we're back to where we are now.
Didn't see anything, sorry.
RE: [H]Undaunted!! HSUL, HGSS...more! [W]Lugia EX, Pikachu* and more, help me out!!
Sure, that works. PM me and we'll finalize.
Not really, you don't have anything I need, so I'm just looking for stuff that I'll be able to trade.
RE: [H]Undaunted!! HSUL, HGSS...more! [W]Lugia EX, Pikachu* and more, help me out!!
Didn't really see much, maybe Kingdra Prime?
Didn't see anything sorry.
Maybe Pokemon Communicator, holo M x1 and Crobat, Rare M x1 for them?