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  1. Cynaptex

    25th Anniversary Pikachu Cards Revealed, Including Surfing Pikachu V, Birthday Pikachu, Pikachu V-UNION!

    I want them to overprint this set so much!! I need like at least 10 birthday pikachu's to hand out to my friends for their birthday. I love all this artwork!!
  2. Cynaptex

    'Vivid Voltage' Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    You get them in prerelease kits. They're sold by card shops (or sometimes I've seen them at Gamestop too). Prereleases come out 2 weeks prior to the set release. In the past they used to host prerelease tournaments which I loved, but all events are cancelled for 2020... rip
  3. Cynaptex

    'Vivid Voltage' Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    This is the first time in a while I really love all the promos!! Like any one of these I'd be happy with getting tbh.
  4. Cynaptex

    2020 Holiday Set Confirmed, Includes Missing Sun & Moon Cards!

    I wonder if the set will have a chance at the Secret Rare Energies? I know Shining Legends had those cool holo energies but the ones from Japan's Tag Team All Stars had texture!!
  5. Cynaptex

    'League Battle Decks' Info Revealed, Replacing Battle Arena Decks!

    This is so cool! I've always wanted to try to get into the competitive scene, but never really had the money or know-how to build a good deck. This just makes that so much easier which I love.
  6. Cynaptex

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    I'M LOVING THAT FULL ART FALINKS!!! All the full arts look good it seems! Also I kinda thought they might be giving Perrserker it's own gold card. I was thinking if they kinda went off the promos from the Build & Battle prereleases when Frosmoth got it's gold card, then the only other option...
  7. Cynaptex

    Upcoming Sword & Shield TCG Products for May and June!

    It always sucks having to wait so long, but it'll be worth it! (I hope lol.) I have a feeling the League Decks will be like the Arena Decks. I don't know why they would change the name but I feel like it makes the most sense. I'm just still waiting for that TAG TEAM Power Collections box in...
  8. Cynaptex

    'VMAX Rising,' Japan's February Set!

    I personally like the idea of having one or two shiny Pokemon in every set. There's just something about pulling a shiny from a normal set that is kinda fun! (even though pulling shinies from Hidden Fates was also cool) Also I think Boltund is my favorite full art Pokemon from this set. He just...