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  1. F


    you can give rarecandies to yourself :P
  2. F

    Artisan Cave's Shop of Smeargles

    you know who I am right sub?
  3. F

    Artisan Cave's Shop of Smeargles

    I see you guys are still using some of my artwork even after I went bye-bye. *wink wink* Anyways, how's it been going? I'm keeping a low profile, but I might join the clan again.
  4. F


    here's mine. please feed Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at PokePlushies!
  5. F

    Wi-Fi Trades FireBlaze's Player Thread: Get shinies, events, and ev trained pokemon here!

    how about shiny pidgey, shiny weedle, shiny sandshrew, shiny diglett, shiny bellsprout, shiny porygon, and shiny swinub? yes it is. PM me when I'm online.
  6. F

    Wi-Fi Trades FireBlaze's Player Thread: Get shinies, events, and ev trained pokemon here!

    can I get event jirachi, shiny zubat, and shiny linoone for the three you asked for?
  7. F

    Wi-Fi Trades FireBlaze's Player Thread: Get shinies, events, and ev trained pokemon here!

    ok, when can you trade? Its shiny, so no thanks. What shinies do you have? I'm not that into events.
  8. F

    Wi-Fi Trades FireBlaze's Player Thread: Get shinies, events, and ev trained pokemon here!

    WELCOME TO FIREBLAZE"S TRADE THREAD! STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW Friend Code: 4768-5576-1442 In-game Name: Matti Can I trade now status: YES When I will be able to trade: YES RULES and STUFF 1. No hacks. I don't take hacks or cheated pokemon unless I am trading a...
  9. F

    Pokemon TRICK OR TREAT: Halloween Event

    Well, un fortunatly this never went through, because someone on PE2K promised me they'd pokesav the pokemon and never followed through. zIt is unfortunate, and I apologize.
  10. F

    Pokemon TRICK OR TREAT: Halloween Event

    Cloning maybe???? The point is for them to be in cherish balls you idiots! Its a fan-made event! What the heck is your problem! Get it through your closed minded heads! They are in cherish balls so they CAN be events. MY GOD!
  11. F

    Pokemon The Second trick or treat event

    your a total copy! WTF? You can't do this! >_< 0_o
  12. F

    Pokemon TRICK OR TREAT: Halloween Event

    somebody told me theycan be sent in cherish balls. The tru manaphy doesn't work because it has a classic ribbon on it.
  13. F

    Pokemon TRICK OR TREAT: Halloween Event

    It starts halloween and the day after. I've never tried it, but it should work. The only pokemon you can't trade is pokemon with the classic ribbon so it should work.
  14. F

    Pokemon TRICK OR TREAT: Halloween Event

    If I'm placing this thread in the wrong place, please tell me. As you know, Halloween is just around the corner. TV premeirs, House Decorations, Pumpkin Carving, and a whole lot more! I am currently trying to make a new fan-made event. This event, is called: TRICK OR TREAT Here's...