Search results

  1. Eevil_One

    diochomp masters brs maybe

    um... azelf? What do you do when dialga x is prized? Here are fixes: -1 Oaks Visit -1 SP radar -1 Palmers -1 Bebe's -1 Luxury Ball +2 Collector +2 Warp Energy +1 Azelf
  2. Eevil_One

    Assaultquen (Combee UD Enraged Assualt) Masters,Battle Roads

    pokemon contest hall can get a combee w/ memory berry through trainer lock.
  3. Eevil_One

    Donphan/Nidoqueen/Vileplume (BR Masters)

    *bump* added spiritomb, suggestions are very welcome!
  4. Eevil_One

    Donphan/Nidoqueen/Vileplume (BR Masters)

    Yeah, I agree on 4 judge being too many. They will most likely come out for Hunter/PONT once we get the new set. As for your other points, mesprit is way to good to cut. It stalls setup early game, and vs. SPs it stops critical bright look/healing breath/galactic switch turns.As a one-of it...
  5. Eevil_One

    VileGar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

    RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ] dialga g only has a chance to stop the lock when played in a deck that's actually focused on dialga (dialgachomp), as a tech it's useless because they just level it down unless you have a power spray, and even then you've used most of your resources...
  6. Eevil_One

    Donphan/Nidoqueen/Vileplume (BR Masters)

    3-3 Donphan Prime 2-1-2 Nidoqueen RR 1-1-1 Vileplume UL 3-1 Uxie Lv. X LA 3 Spiritomb AR 1 Chatot MD 1 Mesprit LA 1 Unown Q 4 Bebe's Search 4 Pokemon Collector 2 Judge 2 Looker's Investigation 1 Palmer's Contribution 3 Broken Time Space 4 Rare Candy 1 Expert Belt 4 Rainbow Energy 2 Double...
  7. Eevil_One

    Torterra from Unleashed (#10) [7/15]

    1. This card is great on it's own, but gets even better when it is paired with things like landmin, either cherrim, and expert belt. It is a great tank that can heal itself for a lot every turn. 2. Torterrible, Torterra-Flygon(German Nats Winning Deck) 3. As mentioned before, either Cherrim SF...
  8. Eevil_One

    Garchomp C LV.X from Supreme Victors (#145), 4/20/2010

    1. Garchomp is a decent card on it's own, but is usually paired with other SPs to make use of healing breath for support. 2. LuxChomp, BlazeChomp, BlazeRayChomp, DialgaChomp, Sablelock, GengarChomp 3. it combos well with most SP decks for the healing power it gives and it's ability to snipe. The...
  9. Eevil_One

    Shadow's Shop. Updated with Mew Prime and Charizard * (Yes, the black one)

    RE: Shadow's Shop. Have Luxray GL Lv X EDIT: Eevil_One, get a ref thread or request one before offering in the Trading Corner/Buyer's Paradise/Slateport Market. ~Mudkip
  10. Eevil_One

    Shadow's Shop. Updated with Mew Prime and Charizard * (Yes, the black one)

    RE: Shadow's Shop. Have Luxray GL Lv X EDIT: Eevil_One, get a ref thread or request one before offering in the Trading Corner/Buyer's Paradise/Slateport Market. ~Mudkip
  11. Eevil_One

    H: Flygon X, Luxray X, Candies, Communtication, RH Call, Collector, 'Pluff, And More

    RE: Flygon X, Luxray X, Primes, Legends, Candies, and more! I can probably do $60 for Luxray GL X (It is English right?)
  12. Eevil_One

    (1) LEGEND Cards of 'HS - Undaunted' Confirmed, New Goodies in Theme Decks [6/7]

    Kyogre/Groudon and Rayquaza/Deoxys are nice, but it's aggravating that a game-changing set like Lost Link is being delayed. As for the extra stuff in Theme Decks, it's about time they put something in there worth buying. @jordanbakersays: Japan will not get an entire set that we do not get...
  13. Eevil_One

    (2) Zoroark Movie Song, Additional 'Lost Link' Card Translations [4/7]

    GASP. Unless they ban lost world, Pokemon TCG just died. X.X Turn 1: rare candy/BTS from gastly to Gengar. Attach to gengar. Put 1-2 absol g and 1-2 slowpoke/slowking on the bench. use Plunge into Darkness. 1 pokemon in the lost zone. Turn 2: Attach to Gengar. Use second sight on your...