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  1. Jaymin

    What Cards Will You Miss?

    Sceptile GE >:( I don't even feel like running grass anymore.
  2. Jaymin

    First Card?

    My first card was base set Charmeleon that came with my March '99 issue of Nintendo Power. Had "E3" stamped on it in gold. Wish I still had it.
  3. Jaymin

    Cards which hyped up many people but in the end....=.=

    I bet Shuppet was one card no one paid much attention to. :D Flygon X is the only card I can recall being hyped so much that players in my area were buying the jp card and running it in decks. Other than that card everything else was just talk. Which is why I don't look at future sets anymore.
  4. Jaymin

    If Disney bought Pokemon

    Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
  5. Jaymin

    Price of decks

    Scizor: $10 :D
  6. Jaymin

    new lost link cards

    Cool stuff. Want Relicanth translated.
  7. Jaymin

    Old Meta-game Decks?

    I stumbled upon this yesterday. Fun read and has quite a lot of popular decks. Some articles don't work though.
  8. Jaymin


    Official site states 95 cards total.
  9. Jaymin

    What decks did you face at states?

    Raichu/Electivire, Cursegar, 4x Luxchomp, Charizard/Typhlosion, Jumpluff, Flychamp, Donphan/Machamp, Palkia Lock, and Feraligatr/???. I'm forgetting a few went to two states.